Two, Dane

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I was intoxicated but not by my beer. By this beautiful woman that had been sitting next to me. I only came to this place because my hotel is across the street. I wanted a few beers, maybe some dancing, then go back and pass out on the rock-hard mattress. Not anymore, and I was glad I made that decision. Now I wanted to spend all night talking to her. Those beautiful green eyes, that beautiful dark brown hair. Intoxicating.

She went to the bathroom with her friend, Cass I believe was her name, and I still find myself watching that direction for her to come back out hoping she will still sit next to me. She did leave more than half her beer and said she would be back. I was silently holding her to that.

She was different, I don't know how, I don't know why but she was. She wasn't throwing herself at me like most women do. I'm not a bad looking man, very in shape because being a SEAL, and 6'2". I have sky-blue eyes and tonight I matched my plaid shirt to them making them stand out even more. The accent definitely helps too.

It took a while, but she came back, sat down next to me, and downed the rest of her beer, being served another within a few minutes. She seemed like she was on a mission when the next one came out.

"Celebrating?" I asked slightly concerned.

"No, just gaining some confidence, I guess." She giggled obviously buzzed already. I'm not sure what their conversation was about but I'm sure Austyn wasn't the type to drink very often, and she did take a shot while she was over with her friends.

"Do you drink often?" I had to know.

"Apparently not often enough." She said drinking another big gulp of her beer. I just laughed placing my bottle to my mouth before emptying it. Another was placed in front of me as I watched this gorgeous girl start on her third.

She abruptly stood up and grabbed my hand. "Oh my gosh! This song!" She wanted to dance, she made it very obvious. So, I stood up laughing and followed her to the dance floor. I mean I did say I wanted to dance, so there was no way that I couldn't say no her, she was gorgeous dancing all around in that dress grinding up against me in, our bodies in perfect sync.

I somehow managed to stay the gentleman that I was raised to be and kept my hands on her waist. She was making even that incredibly difficult with the way she was moving her hips. I thought I was good until she turned around. Placing one leg between mine and the other on the outside she moved herself skillfully while throwing her arms around my shoulders.

I closed my eyes pressing my forehead to hers as she pulled our bodies closer together. I'm pretty sure at this point several songs played and we didn't move. I didn't mind, I was enjoying myself. Eventually she looked up at me locking eyes.

"I'm drunk, you're hot, my place?" I couldn't help the laugh that came out of me. You could tell she wasn't a drinker at all, and three beers in she was well past gone, plus the shots she had done with her friends a little bit ago. "I mean if you don't want to take me home, I'm sure." She threw her hands around as if to tell me a simple 'I can find someone to' then placed them back around my neck barely breaking eye contact.

The gesture had me breathing heavily. What if someone else took her home just to take advantage of her, she didn't seem like that kind of girl. I for some reason couldn't break this hold that she had on me, I felt this need to take care of her and make sure that she was going to be safe. "I'll take you home." She smiled at me and I laughed again as she basically fell into my arms.

Walking out of the club I got her into my 2018 Matte Black Jeep Cherokee SRT-8, one of my babies. Which was parked across the street in front of the hotel I was staying at and drove to the address listed on her license. Which I had to get out of her purse because she was passed out by the time closed the passenger door.

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