Five, Austyn

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Did I think this was what I was going to be doing at the club tonight? Not even a little bit. Yet here I am kissing this gorgeous, protective man I just met, and I am loving it. When I saw him seconds ago it was like he had full on tunnel vision as he stalked towards me when that creepy ass guy had me pinned. He cornered me in the bathroom hallway and tried to touch my body, I did everything I could to fight him off. All Dane did was slide in between the two of us causing the creep to break hold of my hands and stumble back a little.

The second his lips connected with mind went blank. I was on cloud 9 seeing stars and everything. The most amazing, perfect kiss I have ever had. Butterflies swarmed my stomach, and when he pulled away, I was still dazed.

I finally snapped out of it when he started to argue with the creep. I realized how scared I was and put my arms around Dane pushing my body flush against him, somehow knowing he would keep me safe, even after just meeting him I knew he would do everything in his power to keep me safe. I have no clue how I knew this, but I just felt it, and he didn't disappoint. It all happened quickly, the guy all but ran away.

The second Dane turned back around to look at me, I didn't even give him time to focus before pulling his lips back down to mine. I could only hope that this kiss was telling him everything I wish I could've put into words. His hands went back to my hips, pulling me in flush against his body.

"Yes! Go bitch!!" I broke the kiss laughing at my stupid best friend.

"I'll get used to her I'm sure." He said smiling not breaking eye contact. I laughed again.

"Eventually everyone does, but that means you'll have to stick around for a while." She said throwing an arm around him kissing him on the cheek visibly drunk, and very happy.

"Do you want to maybe get out of here? Like go for a walk or something?" He paid no mind to her staring back and forth at both of us with a goofy smile playing on her lips. I looked over at Cassie.

"Oh, trust me l can find a way home! Go you two!!" She threw her hands up into the air.

"Cass do not get kicked out!" I turned back to him "I would love to." Back to Cass "Call me if you need me." She winked at me and walked away dancing.

"Take care of my girl!" She yelled over her shoulder before disappearing into the crowd of bodies. I shook my head again laughing.

"So, embarrassing but I still have to..." I pointed to the bathroom.

"Oh, right yea." Looking at the line still there I sighed. "Listen, my hotel is right across the way. You can use that bathroom then we can go for a walk?" I was hesitant, and I think he saw that. "I'm not trying to get you like that guy I promise, just with the line and it is most definitely not clean in there by this time of the night. I'm staying across the street in the Hilton." He pulled out his key card. "Room 1596 it's basically an apartment."

I bit my lip before I finally nodded yes to him. After he saved me, I felt like I could trust him. Though I didn't ever feel like I couldn't trust him which was just a little scary.

"Okay. I'm sure anything is better than this line." He held his hand out, which I took, lacing our fingers together before we made our way out of the club. The cold air almost hurt when it hit me. Slightly taking my breath away, he noticed putting his arm around my shoulders.

"You good baby girl?" Mac asked as soon as he saw his arm around me.

"Yes, thank you, Mac this is..."

"Dane, nice to meet you, were just going to take a walk." The guys shook hands. Mac's eyes went back and forth between me and Dane.

"I've only had a beer and a half I'm good. When you check in with D tell him he can call me if he's worried. I promise I'm good." I smiled and hugged Mac before we started walking again. We had to walk up a little to the crosswalk before crossing. Then made it into the hotel, up the elevator, and to his room where he swiped his key and held the door open for me.

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