Twelve, Dane

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Dinner with Austyn went perfect, not that I had expected it to go anything but. We went to this beautiful restaurant that was on the lake and had the perfect view from the rooftop. I knew that this night was going to be memorable for both of us. We talked and laughed the entire night to the point the restaurant owner came out and told us they were starting to close. I paid the tab over an hour ago leaving a more than generous tip, we were just sitting there enjoying our time together.

"We should definitely get out of here so these people can go home." She laughed as she started standing, I followed intertwining our fingers together before walking back inside the restaurant.

"Thank you again!" I yelled to the staff as we walked out. The place wasn't far from where I was staying so we parked there and walked to the restaurant earlier. Though right now I was regretting that decision partially since out of nowhere the clouds rolled in and thunder cracked loud as the sky's came down on us. "I can run back and grab the Jeep." I laughed as we ran under shelter.

"Eh, what's a little rain." She laughed and took off slowly running and screaming all while laughing. I shook my head laughing taking in the beautiful vision in front of me still trying to figure out how I got this lucky, before following after her catching up easily. I grabbed her hand stopping her. "What are you doing? I am soaked!" She said laughing.

"Eh, what's a little rain." She stopped laughing as we just stared into one another's eyes, I captured her lips with mine enjoying every one of my senses on over drive reacting to every piece of her. She pulled away.

"I'm freezing." I smiled and kissed her quick.

"Well I can't keep kissing an ice cube." I took her hand and we continued walking the last block. The elevator ride was one to remember. I pressed the button and she pushed herself against me our lips like magnets. When the elevator told us, we were on my floor I broke the kiss and walked us out and into the suite.

"You want to shower, and warm up? I'll uh, I'll grab you some clothes that won't you know, be plastered to you, then run you home if you'd like?" She just shrugged her shoulders, so I went in and pulled out a pair of clothes for her to change into to get warm and set them on the bed. Then grabbed clothes for myself setting my gun on the dresser as I normally would. I kissed her forehead. "I'll shower in the other bathroom." She didn't move, didn't make a sound, so I walked out into the living room.

I took my button down off and was in the middle of pulling my t-shirt over my head when I heard her perfect voice.

"Dane..." I dropped my shirt, so it started sliding back down.

"Yea?" Before she answered I started walking towards her. She was standing in the doorway.

"Can you uhm help me? My dress stuck." She was being shy about asking, I could see the crimson sneaking out on her cheeks. I got in front of her as she turned around and moved her hair out of the way, looking back at me, so I could unzip her dress. I did so slowly and couldn't help my body taking over as I kissed her neck lightly hearing her hushed moans, I stopped myself, not that I wanted to at all, but I had to. I took in a deep breath through my nose and let it out slowly. When she turned around I at first had my eyes closed and when I opened them her dress was on the floor and she had nothing on. I couldn't look away, but I had to, I tried to control my breathing the best that I could as her hands went up to the back of my neck pulling my lips to her. I pulled away after about a minute.

"Austyn." I had my forehead against hers and was breathing heavily through my nose trying to control every part of myself and failing miserably.

"Stop holding back Dane." I shook my head, eyes still closed. "What is wrong with me? There has to be something wrong with me for you to not want to-"

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