Eighteen, Dane

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A month, we've been together a month and I seriously couldn't get any happier. I don't think it is physically possible for me to be any happier with my life.

Everything is amazing, we did have one fight where I walked out, but I quickly came back apologizing. It wasn't over anything important. The guy Brayden that works where I keep my cars found her number and was texting her. She didn't tell me right away and I flew off the handle.

She was going to tell me but didn't want to until we were face to face. She said important things aren't for phone calls and this to her was important. Which I now understand, but then I wasn't be rational. I was just pissed.

It wasn't her fault, but I took it out on her, and I was stupid. She wasn't even answering him, but he was sending her non-stop texts trying to get her to go out with him, and of course selfies and dick pics and yea. He got fired that day and is lucky I just fired him. I was going to beat his ass down to a pulp, but I knew better.

Tonight, we are celebrating. We were going to be at the bar we first met at, and both decided to let loose and take a cab back home. I already knew that I wasn't planning on getting too drunk, but I wanted her to be able to let herself go and have fun. She only agreed because I said that I would also.

"Hey before we go, I want you to have this." She handed me a small envelope which I opened and dropped a key out of it into my hand. I looked at her slightly confused. "You're here all the time anyway, and most of your stuff is here, will you just move in, like officially?" She was smiling wide as possible and I couldn't help but smile back at her.

If you would have asked me six months ago if I ever saw myself settling down in anyway. I would have told you no without hesitation. Now here I am, completely in love and settling down for the rest of my life. Oddly so was Deegan, he didn't want to admit it, but he found the girl for him.

I pulled her gorgeous body against mine and slammed my lips down on hers. "Yes." Kiss. "I." Kiss "Would." Kiss "Love." Kiss "To." Kiss. "Officially." She giggled and kissed me back.

"Good cause otherwise tonight would have sucked." She laughed again walking away from me and right out of the house, into the cab with a waiting Cassie and Deegan. I shook my head sliding the key in my pocket and followed behind.

It was two in the morning before we knew it and all four of us were well past gone. That's when my phone rang. It was my sister for a video call. I giggled and hit answer.

"Hey bro. Oh my God you are wasted." I cheeky smiled at her.

"No, you are, calling me at what one in the morning there?" She laughed hard. My smile wasn't leaving my face. I was tipsy, it was impossible.

"Well, got it, no serious questions for you drunkie. How are you?" She slowed down her words, I shook my head a few times laughing.

"Babe who's that?" Austyn looked at the phone to my sister who was staring wide eyed with her hand over her mouth. Austyn just smiled and waved.

"It my sister Jayda." I smiled

"I didn't know you were on a date!" My sister screamed.

"Jay this is Austyn!" I laughed and so did Austyn. "She's drunk were going home." She was very past drunk, there was no doubt about it. I couldn't hold in my laughter as I caught her from falling for probably the hundredth time that night.

"Home?" Jayda asked.

"Oh, yea I moved in, officially now." I knew my words were slightly slurred but not much. I was buzzed good but not drunk. Officially is hard to say with a buzz. I had to have tried saying it three times before getting it out.

"Hi Jayda! I am not going to remember this tomorrow." Austyn took another shot and started laughing. "Ok, that's it I'm flagging myself Morgan!"

"Oh, my goodness, you two." She shook her head laughing. "I'll call you tomorrow." Jayda laughed and before I could say bye, the screen went black telling me she hung up. I shrugged my shoulders taking my beautiful girl in my arms and walking us out of the bar.

Our cab was there quickly and got us home fast. Thank god, because Austyn and I probably would have had sex in the back of the cab if the guy wasn't quick. I paid the man before chasing a giggling Austyn inside and upstairs to the bedroom and we locked lips the second the door shut.

Clothing went flying all over the room with fits of giggles following, and we fell back. Landing on top of her on the bed I stopped and pulled away staring at her. I couldn't help it this woman under me was the most beautiful girl I have ever seen. The most amazing woman I have ever met, and she was here with me.

"Austyn." Her eyes snapped up to mine, shining brightly in the small amount of moonlight coming through the window. "I am thoroughly in love with you." She smiled and bit her lip. I leaned down and kissed her lightly.

"I'm in love with you too Dane." The smile wouldn't have left my face even if a bomb blew up the world right now.

How in the hell was I this lucky? Everything I have done in my life and this. This right here so far is the most amazing moment ever. I don't even care that she is well past drunk and that I'm basically drunk. This was real.

Her smile matched mine. I kissed her again before pulling away to reach for a condom in the night stand drawer, but she stopped me with her hand on my forearm.

"I want to feel you tonight, nothing between us." My eyes went wide.

"I'm 28 years old and I have never..."

"I know me either. I want to with you."

"You know this could lead to..."

"Are you okay with that slight possibility?" She looked at me unsure.

Was I okay with it? Dam right I was okay with it. I could see our future. Several little babies running around. I wanted that with her. I wanted everything with her. I wanted to give her the world. I saw our future a month ago in the hotel room. I've wanted to make it reality ever since, but I knew it was too soon. I know it is too soon. I know that possibility is there, and you know what I didn't give a damn.

Who cares if our future starts tonight, or six months from now? What does it matter if we start now verses later? I don't give a damn what anyone else thinks, and she shouldn't either. If it were to happen.

"Only with you." Our smiles matched once again before pressing our lips together. We took our time, and for the first time ever, for both of us, we made love with nothing separating me from her, and it wasn't easy to keep under control.

This entirely new feeling felt amazing and I wasn't sure if there was any going back after this. Feeling her like this, I was lucky I didn't explode the second I pushed inside of her.

I pulled out just in time and caught everything by placing my thumb over myself. Fun trick I learned back when I was a teen.

"That was amazing. Throw out all the condoms." I shook my head agreeing and collapsing next to her.

Kissing her one last time, I got up and headed to the bathroom turning on the shower. Within a few minutes she was in with me and we made love again. Then again when we got back into bed. I couldn't get enough of her and it was amazing every single damn time.

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