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Chapter 18 *Unedited


I wrapped the shawl on my head tightly and pulled the loose knitted cardigan closer concealing my body and trapping the warmth in the cool evening breeze.

I disliked graveyards with a passion. They brought about a lonely and eerie sensation, which caused a cold shiver to rack my trembling body. 

After her death it was the first time I had set foot in this place. I just needed closure. That’s exactly what I was missing, I hadn’t seen her live fully functional smile before she was a corpse lying in that white hospital bed with a whimpering man and baby beside her. Her death had caused so much trouble, the day she was meant to bring bliss to her life she left. Maybe if I had shared my mind with her, exchanged a few words and seen her warm smile, maybe the pain the guilt would have been less. What hurt most was I hadn’t seen Malika face to face before she died. 

I couldn’t hate her. All I could do was envy her. She had a man who loved her so much and so deeply, it was her luck. But god did not justice, he took her before she could really cherish the man who was broken and practically finished after her death. 

I followed the small trail to where Laila had directed me. She had dropped me off after the shopping trip as per my order. 

I stopped dead behind the large oak tree and started at him.

It was no surprise.

Zayn Shah stood with his back to me.

I heard him loud and clear, every word carved into my mind. 

“I want to tell her but I can’t. I can’t break her anymore,” He stated, his hands shoved into his crisp black trousers. 

“I love you Malika,” His whisper reached my ears and I stood rooted as he slowly backed away from the perfectly carved stone which stood tall and proud amongst the other graves. He remained facing her grave, the autumn leaves crunched under his boots. 

I ran behind the shield of bushes, which lined the other side of the graves creating a sort of wall. I kept my tears in, forced them in so he wouldn’t hear the pain. So he wouldn’t have to deal with anymore guilt because he made his wife’s little sister cry.

He loved her.

Why did I not have the right to love someone? Why should I be caught up in between two lovers?

I watched him walk away from the grave. He coughed slightly but slowly moved towards the small trail I had followed up.  His frame disappeared and I let the tears flow. I shuffled forward and reached the grave.

Loving wife and mother Malika Shah.

What game does did fate play. Both sisters where born with the same name and still shared the same names. 

“I miss you,” I breathed out. 

“If you where here Malika you would know that I’m not in the wrong. I don’t hate you sis, I can’t. It’s just… I want what you have. You have the love, which carries on after death. I want it too,” My words jumbled as the tears fell.

“You told me you would force mum and dad to accept Rizvan. You…” I laughed at the memory.

“You even planned my wedding,” My smile fell as I stared down at the rich red petals thrown on the soil.

“I need to finish this, these games, this…” I waved my hand dramatically feeling she was there, listening nodding, understanding my every word.

THE ALLIANCE ♡ [ROMANCE] -Completed- Where stories live. Discover now