Chapter. 3

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It was the next day and I was so excited because I finally get to know the gender of my baby. Plus I had a little date or whatever with Cj.

I know that I can't date him because I need to be focusing on my baby, but it would be nice to have a little friend.

I was just now getting out of the shower and was now getting ready. I put on a purple one shoulder cami dress with some sandals,and  I just let my wild curly hair flow freely.

I applied clear lip gloss to my lips and I put on some lashes, with my big hoop earrings.

After I was done I gathered everything I needed and walked out of my room.

"Cam! You ready?"I yelled out and he came from down the hall.

"Yea, damn you look good sis"He said looking at me.

"Do I really?"I asked pulling my dress down a little bit.

"Yea you look fine"He smiled.

"Well thank you"I said putting my phone in my Coach purse. I grabbed my car keys and we both left out of the apartment.

When we got to the clinic Cam helped me out of the car and then we both walked in. I signed my name in and went and sat next to Cam.

"You excited?"He asked me and I nodded.

"Very, I cannot wait until I know what I'm having"

"Jayda Lynn Sikes?"The nurse asked looking down at her clipboard.

Me and Cam got up and walked over to her, she brought me to the back in the room and I sat down on the little bed thing.

"Cam you better not"I said eyeing him.

"Stop being so snotty, let me help you with it"He said grabbing the box of tissues and throwing them at me.

"Cameron"I said sternly and he stopped laughing at got serious "Clean this up before this lady comes in here"

He sucked his teeth and start picking up the tissues "You are no fun"He mumbled.

"Goodmorning Miss Jayda Lynn how are you?"The OBGYN greeted walking into the room "And I see you brought the father with you today"She smiled over at Cam.

"Oh no Mrs.Williams that's my little brother"I chuckled.

"Oh my apologies"She said covering her mouth.

"It's fine, we been getting that a lot lately"I said.

"Well let's get started"She smiled and I pulled my dress up and she put the cold gel on my belly. "I know your very excited to see the gender"She smiled moving the thing around on my stomach.

"What is that sound?"Cam asked looking around the room me and Mrs.Williams start laughing at him. "What's so funny?"

"That's the baby heartbeat Cam"I laughed and his mouth gaped open.

"Wow"He said sounding so amused.

"Are you ready for the gender?"Mrs.Williams asked me.

I smiled brightly and shook my head "Yes"I answered her.

"Congratulations your having a baby boy"She smiled.

A tear rolled down my face I wasn't sad or anything I was just really excited because I wanted a boy to be my first child.

"Whew"I said wiping my face "That's exactly what I wanted"I smiled looking at the monitor.

"Well congratulations pretty girl, your going to make a great mom"She smiled wiping the gel off of me. "I will go get your ultrasound and everything"She said and walked out of the room.

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