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I'm Jayda Lynn Sikes, I'm eighteen years old and I currently am a senior in high school.

I'm about medium height with beautiful chocolate skin and big curly hair, I have a good looking body but no instagram body my stomach is flat and I have a nice figure with my thick thighs and round butt.

I was recently in a relationship, but it didn't last long when I found out that he just wanted me for my body and that was all.

His name was Pierce and my worst mistake every known to man. I thought it was love but he thought it was just sex.

He was my first time and he made me feel like I was the best thing ever, then broke my heart by cheating on me with the biggest hoe in school,and there I was looking like a dummy.

Silly me.


"Hey girl, did you take it yet?"My bestfriend Havana asked me over the phone.

"Yea I did, just waiting on the results right now..."I said pacing my bathroom back and forth "H what if it's positive?"I asked biting my bottle lip.

"It shouldn't be,and if it is we will cross that bridge"She answered "But you do need to tell your parents immediately if it is positive"

She was right about that, my parents in fact did need to know...The thing is my parents are both strict as hell. My dad is a lawyer and my mom is a surgeon,and they basically have my whole life planned for me.

I was supposed to be saving myself for marriage but clearly that didn't happen if I'm sitting here taking a pregnancy test.

My timer went off indicating that my five minutes were up. I looked down on the counter and damn near fainted.


"Havana it's positive"I said with a tear escaping my eye "What am I going to do? I'm not fit to be a mother"I cried.

"It's okay Jay...Look go tell your parents and talk to them,they should understand"

"Okay"I said and ended the call.

I took all four pregnancy tests and walked downstairs where my mom,dad, and little brother Cam were sitting on the couch.

Cam was sixteen and we are like really close with one another. He even knows about me and Pierce.

I took a deep breathe and walked over to them "Mama,Daddy we need to talk"

They looked back at me and nodded. They both got up and walked into the dining room and sat down and waited for me to start talking.

"Jayda is everything okay? Have you been crying?"My mom asked with worried eyes.

"I screwed up big time"I said with tears coming down my face.

"What did you do? Scam a bank?"My dad asked "Kill somebody?"

I shook my head no.

"Then what is it?"They both asked in unsion.

I pulled the tests out of my back pocket and placed them on the table.

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