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I didn't know what I was supposed to say in return, I was still disappointed that he didn't seem to show he cared about me as much as he claimed he did. It was just words right now. There had to be a way to see if he could prove it to me. 

"Elliott," my attention was drawn to the door where my brother was standing. "Are you okay?"

Nodding my head I looked away from him and back to Harry taking my hands away from him, "Do you love me?" I asked him slowly as I stared at him. 


He looked discouraged by my question yet I continued. "Right now," I took a deep breath, "I don't think I can do any of this." I looked down at my hands, I couldn't look him in the eye. He'd been missing in action and now he was telling me he wanted me, almost like he expected me to drop it all and run to him. "I have to concentrate on me."

"What?" He looked surprised when I made eye contact with him. "Are you fucking serious? I've just blurted my feelings out to you and you just squash them like they are nothing," he stood up from my bed and looked down at me. "Maybe the truth is that you are scared, you can't handle how you really feel and time and time again you push away the people who care for you the most." His words were hurtful as his rose in anger with every word he snapped out. "Continue on like this," he warned, "And you'll end up alone, forever."

"That's enough!" Thomas snapped as he walked towards Harry. 

Harry didn't let Thomas get close to him before he pushed him against the wall, his arm pushed against Thomas' throat. "What are you doing?!" I shouted from my bed knowing I couldn't do anything to help, I was helpless as I watched. "Let him go!"

"Things around here are about to change," Harry told my brother with venom lacing his voice. His arm dropped leaving Thomas standing them a little dumbfound before his green eyes landed on me, "If you think you've seen things," he shook his head. "Things are only just getting started." His eyes narrowed before he walked towards the door, "You will never change, Elliott. Don't expect people to keep waiting for you. I'm done!"

When my father next came to see me he was insistent on sending me to rehab

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When my father next came to see me he was insistent on sending me to rehab. I was not having it, I didn't want to go there and be away for that long. I couldn't just leave everyone behind in the hope that maybe I might get my legs working again. Instead, as soon as my father had left me in peace I asked Niall to bring me the wheelchair I had been given back at the hospital. I was going to prove to my father that I could do it, that being in a wheelchair wasn't going to affect my life too much. 

Niall helped me into it, he was calm with me when I struggled to move my legs off the bed, he didn't mind though, he just got on with it smiling throughout even though I was stressed. My hands shook as I sat in the chair as I felt for the wheels, I knew I needed to get used to this new contraption in my life, it seemed like it might be around for a long time. 

"Can you give me a moment?" I asked Niall as I looked up at him from my sitting position. 

He didn't speak, he looked confused but obeyed anyway leaving me alone in my bedroom. Looking towards my mirror I caught my reflection. I stared at the woman who was in front of me. Her scared face spoke volumes, her tiny hands gripped the bars on the wheels tightly, the knuckles turning white in the mirror. Everything I saw in front of me scared me, this was going to be it for now. I didn't like the look of the chair, I didn't like the way I looked in the chair and I certainly didn't like the look I was giving myself, sorrow, sadness, pity.

Turning away from myself I looked down at my legs, I wished these stupid things would work. I had come this far in my life with all the obstacles I had to overcome in the past several years and this was my destiny and I didn't like it, not one bit. 

"This is not happening," I murmured to myself trying to tell myself what I wanted to believe. "I've got to get out of here." There was only one way out of here right now, I was willing to do anything even if it meant going against what I wanted. 

My earlier encounter with Harry had set me up for a bad day and now I knew I needed to leave. "Ni!" I called him, the door creaked open and he looked at me almost like he was expecting something to be wrong, I smiled at him. "Tell my father I'll go."

He shook his head at me, "I can't let you go, it's the wrong decision. You've taken the first big step, don't give up now."

"I'm not giving up," I informed him. Actually, it was quite the opposite, I might have been giving up on this life but I certainly wasn't giving up on me just yet. 

When it came to leaving the house I left the wheelchair in my room, I managed to convince my brother to carry me down. My father had arranged transport for me, Thomas carried me straight out to the car, Niall close behind carrying a holdall full of clothes. As I sat in the back of the car I looked towards the house, I didn't know if my father was coming to say goodbye or not. The truth was he wasn't who I really wanted to say bye to, I wanted to see Harry before I left. 

"So the plan," Thomas looked at me sadly as he crouched down to my level. "Go to rehab, learn to walk again and get home and kick some serious butt."

I laughed and nodded knowing it was not my plan, I didn't want to disappoint him, I didn't want anyone worrying until it was too late. "I'll be back before you know it," I lied as I smiled. Lying can so easily to me, it felt right as I let the words slip from my mouth. "Where's dad?"

Thomas sighed, "I think he's dealing with something."

"Tell him I love him," I said before letting my face drop sadly. "Both of them."

"After everything?" He asked as he shook his head. "You know he doesn't deserve you."

I shrugged my shoulders, "Do you think I deserve anyone after all the things I have done?" I looked up with admiration at my brother as he got to his feet. "I certainly don't deserve your love and forgiveness, I love you, Thomas."

He laughed at my words, "You are my sister, of course, I forgive you."

Thomas really was a saint, I would have killed someone in their sleep if they did what I did. Then again I had forgiven him so maybe we were even. 

"Go, get out of here, get your legs back in order and I'll see you soon." He leaned down and kissed my cheek before he headed on into the house. I watched him walk away hoping that once he entered the house my father would appear but it never happened. 

I was sad as I looked at the house, the place I had called my home. This though, this was my chance.


So this might not seem like a good place but for now, this is the end of this book in the series.

There will be another, in fact, I'm working on it right now. This time we will definitely get some closure on Harry and Ell's relationship if you can wait that long. Thank you so much for your comments, votes, reads and support. Please keep it coming. I promise there is much more to come... 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2019 ⏰

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