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When I opened my eyes and saw Harry standing in front of me I knew that none of this was a dream. I just looked at him, my mouth open a little as I waited for him to speak. 

"Don't leave," he said as he looked at me with sad eyes. The green spark seemed to have left as he looked at me. He stepped forward and took my hands holding them in front of us, "I can't let you go, I can't spend another miserable day without you in my life."

I looked down at his hands that held mine before I looked back at him. "Don't do this, please," I begged him as I felt the tears in my eyes. "Please, Harry."

He looked at me, his right hand letting go of my hand before he touched the jacket I was wearing before he pulled on the zipper, "This isn't you. None of this is you, Ell."

My eyes looked down at my outfit before I looked at his matching clothes. I guess I had always wanted more than I had, I had always wanted to be part of that life, to be like my father and now I truly was. I sighed as I took his hand from my jacket before letting it go, the same with the other hand before I bit my lip. "I'm not the same person I used to be." I looked towards the house which was not too far away but far enough that no one was close. I could see the front door was open and my father was standing in the doorway looking in our direction. I returned my eyes to Harry before I held my hands up in front of my self, I didn't want him touching me, I didn't want him to feel sorry for me or to hate me. "You all think that I don't have what it takes to do anything," I explained. I looked him in the eye and made sure he was looking at me before I spoke the next words, my voice coming out in a whisper. "I am not returning to that house whilst she is there."

He sighed as he ran a hand through his hair, "When we got together, I thought you were dead. I didn't want the same thing to happen to her. I thought that..." He trailed off before he shook his head. "You can't be mad at her for that."

I laughed at his naivety, "I don't care about any of that." That was a lie, I did care, I cared more than he would ever know. "I don't know how I don't know why but she's part of the reason I was taken from that hospital." I looked at my father who was walking this way, his strides long as I looked back at Harry. His face was no longer calm, now he looked mad, I'd seen him angry but this was the look of a man who had a murderous glint in his eye. I knew the look as I'd seen it when I had looked into Max's eyes. Right now, seeing Harry like this scared me a little, but at the same time, it turned me on a little. 

"What did she do?!" He asked me, his voice was loud and harsh as he asked me. He put his hands on my arms, his grip tight as he did. "That woman in there is carrying my baby so you better be fucking sure about this."

Turning my head to each side of my body I looked at his hands on me before I shrugged out of his grip before I reached for his hands, "I'm not asking you to do anything. I don't need you to go in there and do a single thing." I smiled, "I can do it myself."

"Elliott!" My father's voice called out before he stood next to Harry, I let Harry's hands go and looked at my dad. "Where are you going? What's going on here?" His eyes shifted between the two of us before settling on myself.

I glanced at Harry who didn't speak before I looked back to my father, "I'm not going anywhere." I avoided answering the second question as I smiled at my dad, "It seems to have some things I have to take care of here."

My dad looked at me, his face warning me, I could see it from the way he stared. "I've told you already this morning, Ell."

"And I've told you!" I pointed at him as I step forward and squared up to him. "You might be the boss in all of these men's eyes but I am your daughter, I'm not scared of you." 

I tried to sound brave as I looked at him, my insides were shaking, my hands were clammy and my breath almost non-existent as I waited for his reply. I expected him to slap me, to hit me in the face, to put me in my place but instead, he put his right hand on my arm and smiled before letting out a laugh, "Now this is the Elliott I know and love."

My breathing returned to normal as my father pulled me close and hugged me, I wanted to speak but I was too surprised to say a single word. I couldn't believe that just like that my father had accepted me back, nothing else mattered as long as he finally accepted me. 

Looking towards the house I saw Jessica standing in the doorway, in front of her stood all of the guys that had been left behind at the house. I stared at her before I returned my gaze to my father who was smiling as I looked at him, "I'm not going to tell you again. This is going to be either the last time I see you or the first day of the rest of our lives." I bit my lip, "I won't stay in that house with her. I won't stay with that monster." I looked at Harry, "You want that baby with her, go right ahead, I don't care about that." I looked at my father, "You want to pretend she's perfect, you want to believe she's a good person because she's pregnant, go ahead, I'm not staying a single night in there whilst she is there." I looked over to where she was standing, "Every moment she's spent in this house is to make sure you're on side, both of you. She worked for Max, she's evil and I'm the only one who can see it."

My father put his hand on my shoulder, "I'm with you every step of the way."

I nodded as I looked at him, I looked at Harry who was looking at her as she stood there. I wished I knew what he was thinking as he stared in her direction. His expression was blank, unreadable. 

"Styles?" My dad spoke his name before Harry returned to reality and glanced at my dad. "Where do you stand?"

Harry pinched the bridge of his nose as he closed his eyes and bowed his head for a brief second before he looked back at my father, "I'll back you every step of the way."

My dad offered his hand to Harry to shake, I watched as e reached forward and they exchanged a handshake. I guess it was a way of sealing the deal, this way everyone knew what was on the table. 

I didn't have time to wait for their pleasantries. I walked away from them and back towards the house, my boots stomped over the gravel, I felt it crumbling under my feet as I made my way towards Jessica with a purpose. Once I got to where the closest car was parked I was blocked by Louis who was the first one to get in my way. "I can't let you through," he told me as he stood firmly and bravely.

My father and Harry weren't close enough yet, I rolled my eyes as I swiftly swept my leg tripping him before grabbing his shoulders and pushing him down to the ground before walking past him and towards her. I stared at her as I continued to find myself stopped by another man. 

"It's fine!" I heard my father shout, "She's okay!"

Smirking to myself the men moved away from me allowing me through, I looked at her, her face a little scared as she realised I was coming for her. When I finally got through everyone and to her I stood in front of her, a smirk on my face. "Hello, Jessica."

Finding Elliott [Harry Styles] CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now