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My hands were clammy as I gripped the handle to the front door of my home. I looked back at Harry who was standing directly before me before I turned back to the door and opened it pushing the door as I entered. Walking into the house I put my hands into my pockets as I felt for my safety net, the guns in each pocket. My eyes nervously flitted around at all the men watching me as I pushed on through and into my father's part of the house. 

Once outside his office I put my hand on the door before taking a deep breath, I then did it, I knocked on the door ignoring all the nagging feelings within me. I didn't wait to hear my father's voice before I entered the room and looked at my father who was sitting the other side of his desk, his eyes trained on the piece of paper in front of him. 

Slowly he placed his pen down on the table before he looked up at me, his eyes moving from me to Harry who was also in the room next to me. "Elliott," he spoke my name, "Styles." I watched as he sat up straight before he waited for us to speak. 

"Dad," I began as I clenched my hands around the butt of each gun. "I-"

"What happened to your head?" He asked me as he rushed to his feet examining my forehead where I had cut it in the crash.

Touching my head I stepped away from his grip, "It's nothing, I just had an accident." I shook my head as I watched him return back to the seat behind his desk, as quickly as he got up to check on me he'd returned to his seat. I guess he already knew why I was here and that made me feel uneasy, he always did know me well. "I need to talk to you, it's important, dad."

"Let me guess," he spoke to me silencing me and my thoughts almost immediately. "You have come here to tell me you two are desperately in love and cannot bear to be parted from each other."

When he put it like that it sounded so desperate. I wondered if that was really how it was, I liked to think I could live without him but I knew it would be a pretty lonely existence until I found someone who could distract my mind away from him and those deep green eyes that haunted me. 

"Terry," Harry spoke up so I didn't have to. "There is a deep connection between myself and Elliott and I would go as far to say I love her." I listened as he spoke these words that I hadn't heard for so long. "Whatever I feel for your daughter should not affect the trust you place in me. At the end of the day, my loyalties will always lie with you."

I wanted to look at Harry, to smile at him but I knew that I needed to keep my eyes on my father, I needed him to know we were serious. His facial expression never changed from the look of indifference that he gave us. 

"You are reckless, unreliable and cold-hearted," my father's words were all aimed at the man at my side. "I couldn't trust you with my daughter's safety, how can I trust you with her feelings?"

My eyes flickered to Harry who stared at my dad, I wondered what each of them was thinking. Did he actually have an answer to that question, if he did, I couldn't wait to hear it. I knew whatever he said probably wouldn't be good enough for my father, nothing ever was. 

"Styles," my dad spoke again as he looked at Harry as I returned my gaze to my father. 

I could feel Harry vibrating next to me, his aura angry as I nervously glanced at him before I bit my lip. "Elliott doesn't need protection, she doesn't need looking after," he took a deep breath. "You want the truth from me?" He said almost like it was a question. "I love your daughter very much," he told my father as I raised my eyebrows not expecting to hear him tell my dad. "I can't begin to explain how-"

"Explain to me." My father looked at me, "Leave us, Ell."

Slowly I looked around my Harry, his eyes meeting mine before he gave me a small nod. Closing my eyes for a few seconds I took a deep breath in before nodding my head slightly and leaving the room closing the door behind me. 

I wished that I could have stayed but I knew my father wanted to hear all the things Harry had to say. I understood why my father wanted to know, after all, he'd been my constant for my whole life. It was only natural that he would want to know everything, he'd want to know Harry's intentions, everything. The problem was that I was the reckless one, I was the one my father should have been worried about, I was the mess in this.

 The problem was that I was the reckless one, I was the one my father should have been worried about, I was the mess in this

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All the time seemed to mush into one, it was becoming too much, the waiting. I found myself sitting in my window looking out at the night sky, the feelings inside of me becoming a little too much as I tried to breathe through the stress in my mind. I wish things were simple for me, I would like to be that normal girl who didn't have any problems just what they were going to wear on a night out, who they were going to date next, those type of problems. 

Only when I was alone did I realise how much that crash was affecting me as I felt my eyelids growing heavy and my head beginning to pound. I would like to say it was all the stress of my life but I knew that it was too much of a coincidence that it would be that. Touching my head I retracted my hand quickly as I felt how hot it was. I should have never been so stupid and drank before I got into that car, I shouldn't have been brave enough to think I could do whatever I wanted. 

Stumbling off the windowsill I fell onto my bed before looking over at the open window, my eyes looking at the cloudless sky that seemed to be calling my name. I would like to be lying on the grass in the garden just staring up and pretending that things were simple. 

"Elliott," I heard Niall's Irish accent which made me jump, I looked over at him standing just inside my bedroom. "Sorry," he apoligized seeing my reaction, "I didn't mean to scare you."

"It's okay," I told him as I patted the other side of my bed and smiled at him. "Come sit with me for a bit."

He nodded then walked over, slipping his shoes off before getting on my bed, he sat against the headphone stretching his legs out in front of him as he smiled at me. "What happened tonight?"

"You know, I'm not really sure." 

He laid himself down on top of the blankets and placed his hands behind his head as he stared up at the ceiling in the room, "Where did you go? Did you catch up with Reagan?"

I shook my head as I spoke, "No." I closed my eyes as I thought about everything I had wanted to do tonight, I had accomplished one thing and I didn't even know what was happening with that. 

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