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Time was slow, so slow. I felt like I had been sitting alone in that room for days when I looked up at the clock, I realised it had only been a matter of hours. Looking back down at my hands I bit my lip as my eyes connected with the dried sticky blood that was on my skin, my hands visibly shaking. I rose from the seat I had been sat in before I looked around the empty room before making my way to the door, putting my hand on the handle I shivered as I opened the door. The hall was light but there was no one around, I looked around the hall to find any signs of life but again there was no one. Leaving the room I headed towards the makeshift hospital that was in the house but I found the floor and bedding covered in dark red blood but there was not a single person around. I headed towards my father's office, where I could hear him talking as I stood outside of his office out of view. 

"I'm very grateful for what you've done, but you can't stay." My father's voice was calm and collected as he spoke. 

Leaning against the wall I guessed he was speaking to Niall. There was no one else he would tell to leave, not at this moment in time.

"I can't go," Niall said simply. 

I totally understood that he couldn't go now if he left here and Liam found out then Niall might as well already be dead. He'd been a good friend to me, there was no way I was going to let me dad send him out there to be easy pickings. As I went to step forward I heard my dad speak again making me freeze on the spot. 

"You have some kind of bond with my daughter," he said, a smile crept on my lips as I realised that my father had actually noticed me and how I interacted with Niall. 

"She's a special girl," Niall spoke about me. 

"What happened between you two?"

I raised an eyebrow as I thought about the question he was asking. 

"When Liam put me alongside her to keep an eye on her it was just a job to start with but actually, all she needed was a friend. Nothing more, nothing less, she was kind to me and I was kind to her. I had her back and I knew that if she needed to, she'd have mine."

Niall was correct, he was great, I would have done anything for him if it meant we were both safe. He and Bea were the family I never had when I was away, Bea was the sister I never had, Niall the brother that Thomas should have been to me. 

"Why did you bring Harry here?" My father's voice changed, it was sharp now as he spoke.

I heard a deep breath then Niall began to talk, "I saw him out there struggling. He needed to get-"

There was a loud bang, it sounded like someone slapping wood, I assumed my father had hit his hand on his desk silencing the room. "No!" He snapped loudly, "Why would you help him?"

"For Elliott," he answered honestly. 

My eyes widened as I leaned against the wall again and bit my lip. Niall had been trusted with my secrets, not that it mattered I had shown my feelings for Harry when I saw him on the floor after I realised who he was, things were too late for me to take anything back. 

"For Elliott?" My father repeated in a questioning tone almost like he was waiting for an explanation to that statement. 

I pushed myself off the wall and walked into the office which had the door open, for a moment I looked between them both wondering what he took this long for them to have this conversation but I guessed that this wasn't the time or place to ask such a stupid question. 

"What are you doing here?" My father asked me as I sat in the chair opposite his as I noticed they were both standing when I had entered and still nothing had changed only that they were both looking down at me. 

Finding Elliott [Harry Styles] CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now