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I had made the decision to hitchhike out of the town, not that I knew where I was at the moment. Sitting in the passenger seat of the car all I could do was think about the call I had shared with Harry. He'd ended the call after insinuating I was his sister and I was wasting his time, I didn't argue with him, I didn't correct him, I didn't call him back, I left it as it was. 

"What's in Moxton?" The man who was driving asked me as he glanced at me before returning his eyes to the road, he pushed his glasses up his nose as I looked over at him. 

I shrugged my shoulders, mainly to myself. "I have some unfinished business to attend to," I explained as I thought about things I could do, places I could go. "I also have family there." Moxton was where Granston was located, Granston the place I called home for all those years of my life. "It's home."

The man smiled before he spoke, "Funnily enough it's the place I now call home. I moved there about a month ago, I've just been away on business." He looked at me for a brief moment before looking at the road, "I can't say I've seen you around."

"I've been staying with a friend out of town," I told him. It wasn't a total lie, I had been staying out of town just not with a friend. "Could you drop me near to town when we arrive?"

"You seem pretty eager," he pointed out. 

The truth was I was eager, when I arrived I was going to make a point of letting certain people know I was back on the scene. I was going to do things I had never done before if it meant getting attention. 

"Do you know where I can buy a gun?" I asked the man as I looked out the window at the passing cars, trying to act like it was some kind of casual conversation. "I was thinking about getting one, you know for protection." I looked at him, he raised his eyebrows as he kept his eyes to the front not looking at me. 

He pushed his glasses up again and moved his brown floppy hair away from his face, "You're a bit young to be needing a gun, what do you need to protect yourself from anyway?"

"I have a crazy ex-boyfriend," I spoke casually. "Besides we've all heard the stories about gangs and thugs living in Moxton." Wrapping my arms around my torso I frowned, "I wouldn't want to return to that."

The man glanced at me before he spoke, "I don't think someone like you needs to worry about gangs." He looked back to the road, the traffic was slowing before we came to stand still. "I'm Will," he offered me his hand which I looked at cautiously before I reached forward and shook it slowly. 

"Elli-" I cut myself off before I finished my whole name, "Elli," I repeated as I took my hand back from him and crossed my arms over my chest. 

"Elli," he smiled as he said my name. "Well, Elli, I can safely say that you are safe in Moxton."

I laughed, "What are you going to do? Are you going to protect me?" I shook my head as I looked out at the traffic jam in front of us which didn't look like it was going to be clearing any time soon.

"If you want me to if it will make you feel safer."

Looking back at the man next to me I looked him up and down, he looked a little like a computer hacker, his plaid shirt and black jeans instantly screamed geek and the glasses he wore had medium thickness frames, but his face was sweet and gentle looking. His blue-green eyes stared at me as he waited for me to reply to his statement. 

A small laugh escaped my lips as I thought about his offer, "I've had it all promised to me before. The only person who can really look after me is me." I looked down at my hands, "Even I can't save me from myself."

Finding Elliott [Harry Styles] CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now