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Returning to Will's home I found myself having some lunch before sitting with Will whilst he did some kind of hacking on the many computers he possessed. I sat and watched him as I watched him typing furiously. 

"What information are you looking for?" I asked him as I leaned my head against the wall and stared. 

He stopped typing and turned around and looked at me. "I'm looking for holes in their security before I take whatever information I deem necessary." He shrugged his shoulders, "Most of it is pretty boring stuff but every now and again you get something juicy." He got to his feet and examined my face, "What happened to you?" He slowly stroked over my right cheek, my face wincing as he did so. 

"I got into a little altercation," I rolled my eyes as I looked away from him. "It's no biggie."

"No biggie?" He repeated in a question, "It's really red. I think you need some ice for it."

I put my hand out to stop him, "Honestly, Will, I'm good. It's my own fault, it was just a bit of road rage, it'll be okay in the morning."

He looked at my face before he looked me in the eyes and shook his head, "I don't believe a word you're saying." He returned to his seat and looked at me as I smiled at him trying to get him off my back. I could tell him about it later, not that there was much to tell. 

"So you can hack anyone?"

"I guess so," he turned back to the screens and keyboard. "It depends, I prefer business' they are much easier, a single person can be pretty difficult."

Shuffling my chair closer to his I put my head on his shoulder, "Have you hacked my father?"

His hands stopped typing again as he tensed up below me, "No." He sighed, "I have hacked you though."

I put my head up straight and stared at him, "Me?" My eyes went blank as I stared at him. "When?"

He shrugged his shoulders "About four years ago now, probably a few years before that too." He groaned, "I guess I must have got something good because I got paid for it. To be honest it was all pretty lame stuff I took. 

"What did you take?" I asked him as he looked at me uncomfortably. 

Wheeling his chair away from me he opened a drawer and handed me a USB stick, "Everything I have from your devices is on here."

I looked at the little red stick that was now in my hand, I couldn't believe he had some stuff on me, I couldn't believe that someone would want information on me. "Who asked for it?"

"I thought you might ask," he rubbed his temples. "You know I can't tell you that, it's exactly what I get paid for, client confidentiality." He gave me a weak smile as he looked at me. "If anyone ever found out that I had even told you I'd hacked you then I might find myself in hot water."

"So why are you giving me this?" I asked as I held up the USB stick and looked at him. 

He smiled, "Because I like you because I feel like if you knew what information people have on you it might help you make your next moves."

"People? Does that mean more than one person asked for stuff on me?"

Will laughed, "Yeah."

"But why you? Why did all these people come to you?"

Reaching for me and placing his right hand on my left knee he smirked, "Well, I don't mean to blow my own trumpet but probably because I am the best hacker around. There's information out there about anyone if you are willing to look hard enough, every single person out there has an internet footprint. It's just finding it."

"Was I easy to find?" I asked as I thought about the amount f time I had spent online, all the things I used to do on the internet. I used to spend hours on social media, shopping and just pure time-wasting online.

Will raised his eyebrows at me as he nodded slowly, he took his hand away from my knee as he took a moment. "Every time someone does something online, if it's not encrypted then it can always be traced back." 

My eyes looked back at the stick in my hand before I looked back at Will, "Can you show me?"

"Are you sure?"

I nodded as I offered him the stick to take.

He reached for it and closed down whatever he was doing before he pushed the stick into the port on the front of the CPU before he opened the large file that popped up. As I looked at all the files that were in the folder I put my hand over my mouth as I realised he wasn't kidding. 

"Some of it you might not want to see," he told me quietly as he navigated his way to the top and opened the first file. 

I looked at the screen as a picture opened up, it was a picture of me when I was thirteen. I was wearing my school uniform as I posed in front of the camera, my lips pushed together as I blew a kiss. "How have you got this?" I asked him as I blushed at the picture. 

Will pressed on the side of it and a box came up with details, "You sent it to a friend, an online friend, Gemma Boo." 

"What?" My eyes widened as I realised how much he might have on me. "You mean none of my conversations are private either, I thought those online messengers were private so no one else can see it?"

"You really are naive if you think anything you put online is private." He turned around and looked at me, I was sad as I looked at him, my mind swimming with every single conversation I might have had with friends. "If you have spoken to a friend online it's on this stick if you have sent a picture online it's on this stick, uploaded to facebook or any other social media I have it. I can see what online purchases you have made, I can even hack into your bank and card details."

I gulped as I looked at him, "Tell me you are kidding."

Will shook his head. 

My mind thought back to things I had sent online to ex-boyfriends, to friends, to random strangers online. Before I met Zayn I had been a bit of a mess, I'd done things I was ashamed of, things online which as a teenager I shouldn't have been doing. I bowed my head as I shook it, my eyes closed and my mind focused on willing it all away. 

"Please tell me who has this."

Will sighed as he ran a hand through his hair pushing it back, "Don't make me do this, Elliott. Back then I didn't know you, your name was just another job."

I looked at the picture of me on the screen, the innocent thirteen-year-old that didn't understand the internet, then I thought about the idiotic teenager who came after her and the shit I did. "I need to know, please."

He reached forward, his hands on my cheeks as he looked me in the eye, he seemed to be closer to me than he'd ever been. "The people who have your information, they don't know you, they only see your online footprint, they don't know you."

My eyes looked into his, the colour of his eyes were so pretty, it made me realise I had never taken the time to notice before. I put my hands over his and smiled. "You think you know me?" I asked him quietly as I stared into his eyes. 

"I'd like to think I know something about you," he spoke as his thumbs stroked my cheeks. "I'd like to get to know you a little more."

Closing my eyes and just enjoying his touch I felt almost guilty before I opened my eyes and looked back at him, "Will," I said his name slowly, "I-" I didn't know what to say as I used my fingers to peel his hands away from me before I returned his hands to his lap, "You're great, you really are." I looked away from him and as I closed my eyes I saw the intense stare from the green eyes that had haunted me for so long. "I just can't." I looked back at Will, my face sad as I sucked my bottom lip in and sighed, guilt racking through me. 

He smiled at me, "Hey, we're just a couple of friends here." He winked at me before he took the USB stick from the computer and handed it back to me, "There's a laptop you can use in the living room."

Finding Elliott [Harry Styles] CompletedTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon