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Before we left my father pulled me aside, everyone else went to get into their vehicles leaving us for a moment in the house. I looked up at him as I waited for him to speak, his whole aura nervous as he looked down at me. Finally, he put his right hand on my left shoulder as he smiled at me, "I don't want no distractions tonight. If you cannot handle yourself now is the time for to say because once you're in that car and we leave here there is no turning back."

I found myself disappointed again, I knew he was just trying to protect me but I didn't need it. "I give you my word that I know exactly what I am doing. I have no idea why you have put me on look-out duty, I am more valuable to you inside."

"Prove to me you can do this," he bargained. "Do look-out duty this time and next time you can get more involved."

Narrowing my eyes at him I sighed, "Trust me, dad."

"It's too late to go changing all the plans now," he explained. "I promise, next time, Ell." He took his hand back and reached into his jacket pocket before returning his hand to my view only now he held a large handgun which he offered to me, "This is only to be used if required. Don't disappoint me."

Reaching for it I took it before I tucked it into the pocket of the hoody I was wearing before I looked back at my dad, "Thank you."

He smiled at me, he moved his hand close to me and pulled me into a hug, I embraced him back as I felt him kiss the top of my hair, "I love you, Ell." He pulled away and looked at me with a laugh he spoke, "I much prefer you with this hair. The blonde wasn't the girl I remembered."

I returned the look on his happy face before we walked together out of the house. He didn't lock the door as a few of the guys were staying home, I looked at him one more time before he walked over to the waiting black SUV, he turned his head to me and looked at me before motioning with his head for me to follow. I walked over and he got into the front passenger seat, I opened the door to the back of the SUV and as I pushed myself up into the seat I looked at the person next to me, Louis who was just staring at me. My eyes diverted away from Louis and to the person in the driver's seat who was Harry, I looked away from him quickly before I belted up as the vehicle came to life.

The journey was quiet, no one spoke, as usual when I had been in a car with Harry there was no radio. I guessed maybe everyone was thinking about the task ahead of them, I, on the other hand, was grateful for grabbing my iPod and headphones before I left, instead of silence I found myself listening to the angry sounds of Eminem. After I realised no one was going to talk until we arrived I placed my other headphone in my ear as I stared at the back of the seat in front of me and let my head focus on the passionately provoking words in my ears.

My attention turned to the outside world, I watched as we headed through different places, the SUV turning onto the main road in the darkness. Everything was so creepy at night, there were barely any cars around, the streetlights either didn't work or flickered as we drove past them. 

I wondered where everyone else was that had been in my life. I didn't know where they had sent Jessica off to, I wondered where she was. At some point, I knew I would have to make the journey to her parent's house to check out if she was there. I just couldn't live in peace knowing she was out there somewhere and she might want to exact some kind of revenge on me at some point. I wanted to know what happened to Liam, where did he scurry off to? Did he have a plan of what he wanted to do now that he didn't have me in his life? Was Niall okay? He may have worked for Liam but he was the closest thing I had to a brother after Thomas stabbed me in the back. 

The lyrics of the songs swum around my head as the car made an abrupt stop, my body flinging forward in the chair, my seatbelt being the only thing saving me from hitting the headrest of the chair in front of me. I breathed heavily as I fell back into the chair and pulled the headphones from my ears. The sounds that greeted me were harsh voices from everyone in the car, swearing and catching their breath. As I looked forward I managed to see the cars ahead of us was in a jam, flames ahead stopping the traffic. 

Finding Elliott [Harry Styles] CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now