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When my father called me into the meeting room a few days later after avoiding me I found myself sitting somewhere in the middle of the room hoping to keep a low profile. The problem with being the only woman in the room is it's hard to not stand out. 

After my outburst the other night I found myself alone again. I hoped that it wouldn't continue to be this way but after a few days of silence, I was surprised and overjoyed to be invited to a business meeting my dad was holding with the men who worked for him. 

Sitting with my legs crossed and my hands on my top knee I watched as my father stood at the front of the room, he seemed to be in total control. All the men in the room had their eyes on him, there was no chatter, no sound, no one looking at their phones, complete and utter silence and respect. 

"This evening there is a raid happening," my father told the guys who all listening intently. I could tell from their fixated eyes that they were listening. I listened because I had to, I listened because there was no one to talk to, no one to annoy. "I'm going to hand the rest of the plans over to Styles," my dad said as Harry rose to his feet from a seat on the front row. 

My eyes looked at the back of his curly head before I looked down at my hands tapping my fingers on the denim of my jeans. I heard the door open and close before I looked back up, my eyes looking straight at Harry who was now standing at the front of the room. 

Watching him standing there he reminded me of my dad so much, the look on his face, the authority he held over the rest of the people in the room and his outfit. I bit my lip as I shook my head to myself, after all this time it was true. I had only ever wanted a man like my father and now I could see it. 

I swallowed hard as he made eye contact with me, I stared at him, I knew my eyes were wide, my face blank, but behind all that it was the realization hitting me. I hoped he didn't notice I was acting strange if he did he didn't say anything he just looked away before he started to speak. 

"Tonight we are hitting Mariad's Corner," he said loudly making sure the whole room could hear him. 

None of his words was of any concern to me, I guessed my father just invited me along to make me feel like I was being included. I didn't listen to much of what he had to say, instead, I occupied myself by looking around at the different men in the room, my eyes glancing them up and down trying to work out what they might be called, maybe if they had a family of their own. 

I looked back at Harry, he was still talking to the room, his eyes darting around making sure everyone was looking at him. I watched him blankly, I could see his mouth moving it but it was almost like there was no sound leaving his mouth. Then he stopped, I watched as he stopped talking, I looked away from his lips and to his eyes before I noticed he was taking a piece of paper from the pocket of his leather jacket. 

Shaking my head I tried to bring myself back to reality and not to the daydream of silence in my head. 

"Everyone is going to be working in pairs tonight," he announced as he unfolded the piece of paper. The room waited as he started to read the paper before he spoke, I guessed it wasn't a list he had created from the look of shock on his face as he read ahead. "This list," he looked up at the room, his eyes nowhere near mine, "Was compiled by Terry himself, so there will be no swaps, everyone had been given their partner for a reason."

I rolled my eyes as I leaned back on my chair and unfolded my legs and just loosely let them knock against each other as I focused on Harry who seemed uneasy about the list in his hand. 

"Tomlinson, you'll be paired with Terry." He looked over at Louis, I guessed that was who he was talking to, I didn't know Louis' last name, the truth was I didn't really know anyone in this room. A few of them I knew by their first name, some I didn't know at all. Louis gave Harry a little nod before Harry spoke to him again, "You are on watch from the middle before escorting Terry into the grounds when we find Reagan."

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