#22 Abandoned

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I want to first say, I am so bad at being committed. I'm soooo sorry I didn't update in soooooo long.

Second I want to say, I have a new collab SkyMidori101  with so please check out our book called, "Then I Met Him", as it only has 2 views.... yeah. 

Thirdly, (wow this is a long list) thanks for the 15K views!

And now in regards to this one shot.

I wanna say a hugeeee thank you for my first one shot request by TheOneNOnlyMrsRogers

And LalaMartinez5, I see you, and it's a working progress on your great idea.

Just note: (C/N) means your child's name.

And on to the one shot!

And as usual, please vote, add to your reading list, and ENJOY!

There was no such thing as "the good old days" to those of the underground.

(Y/N) (L/N) was a perfect example of the forgotten and broken shell of someone who had everything they ever needed before it was swept away from under her feet.

For her, the old days involved lushes (h/c) hair, beautiful (e/c) orbs that danced when she smiled, and a half mooned smile that shot any guy down without a fight.

However, the days of the present only stocked a mess of tangled and unkept, dulled (h/c) nest, faded (e/c) orbs that sunk when she frowned, and a half moon smile that she keeps tightly sealed.

The ghost of the girl loomed over the underground city, tormenting and stealing to make a living for two.

The young girl hated how he just left.

With no goodbye, with no thought of her feelings, he just left.

~ Flashback ~

You watched your one love walk out the door with Farlan and Isabel.

Normally you would go to, but lately, you had been feeling very under the weather and had feeling very queasy for the past few days.

Levi offered to stay with you, but you dismissed it completely.

Even though your stomach felt off and heavy, it still didn't dim the excitement growing within you.

This would be the last raid before we go beyond the surface.

All we needed was a bit more supplies. Even though you guys knew you had quite the bulk saving up, you also knew that anything could happen. And it's best to stay safe than utterly sorry.

Afterwards, your plan was to leave in two days, and somehow get into the Survey Corps. As you guys were good fighters, the court will have no choice but to let you join, for the sake of humanity.

Sighing as the door shut behind the leaving trio, you dropped your smile completely. You were feeling terribly ill. A part of you wished for Levi to stay, but another part said that leaving for the surface was more important than your poor health.

And that part of you convinced you to shut your mouth and just deal with the void within you.


Levi x Reader Oneshots! (Requests Temporarily Closed!)Where stories live. Discover now