#24 Flamingo - LevixFlorist!Reader

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Requested By: @Darkbonnie11

Main Idea: Battling the recent loss of his squad, Levi meets the reader in a flower shop. 

Warnings: Lose of a loved one. Mentions to extreme sadness and grief. Small spoiler of the ending (not really though but I don't want people who don't know the ending and don't want to yet to get upset, of course)

Genre/Background: Levi x Reader. This takes place just after the Female Titan killed Levi's squad. 

Edit Status: Recently written


Levi's POV

Which each stomping of my boot, the people's faces around me grew heavier. I had thought by now that I would be accustomed to living with the burden that is the title of Humanities' Strongest Soldier and the reactions it garnered. But underneath the sun which stood proud and robust, mocking the feeble humans beneath it, I felt another spark of annoyance run down my spine as another mother shelters their child away from me.

By now everyone had heard the news. Under normal circumstances, many of these very people took it as a pastime to line the streets hurling insults at the corps. However, everyone was silent when they saw the sight of the disfigured figures, appearing closer like zombies than once noble soldiers. The public decided to term that day as the worst failure in the Survey Corps' history.

To me, that day was the worst failure as a Captain. 

My face scrunched in anger, contempt and sadness. They were all dead, brutally murdered, while I had less than a scratch on me. I revolted at the irony. The quandary began to rear its ugly face once more; why am I still alive? 

I never enjoy going to the town. I find people to be rather irksome, especially when they are treating me like I have the plague. I found myself almost laughing at the thought of me preferring them to perform their insults or stopping to hold a gaze full of admiration rather than have them literally jumping out of my way. But, Petra's funeral was today. She had dedicated so much to the service that I decided the least I could do was purchase some flowers. 

This was the first time I invited myself to attend a funeral service. Typically, I would respectfully decline because I had a responsibility to better the other cadets so that they could hopefully delay their own funeral. There was also that nagging possibility that one of the members attending would blame me for the death of their loved one. I  trusted my abilities, but I had seen first-hand how it only took one bullet, one knife or even one punch, to kill someone. While my questions for my status of living continued to pursue, I felt that prematurely unaliving myself would be a spit in the face for all those who had died so that humanity could achieve freedom.

Therefore, I enlisted the help of Hanji to locate a suitable florist. She began to joke about my lack of dating life and asked who the lucky one was. A blunt "for Petra's funeral" was all it took for the mood to dampen drastically. I didn't want to be suffocated in a pool of enthusiasm or happiness and instead basked in the depressing mood reflecting my grief. It seemed for once that Hanji got the message and decided to put a serious face on. I was taken aback slightly, but thankful nonetheless. With the address of one of Hanji's friend's small shop written delicately in my hand, I departed straight away. The funeral service was at 4 pm and it was already noon. I felt it was only just that I arrive at least 30 minutes early because I had often stressed for my squad to do the same. 

Quietly peering over the flood of luxurious brands and colourful advertisements stood a soft stone cottage filled with a multitude of flowers. Unlike the other stores that blasted out confetti and rainbows, the products here were doing the shouting. I was lost for words at the collection of precisely crafted bouquets decorating the walls and floor of the store. I noticed, however, that there were immense gaps between the bouquets, inferring how the ability to produce this art form was unable to keep up with the demand. The only flowers I was able to name were the roses and daisies, and even so, I was sure that they would have a specific species name that I did not know.

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