#18 Modern LevixStudentReader - Crush

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A/N: Please someone, suggestions!!!!!

Anyway, enjoy this consistent update!

You walked down the hallways, keeping to yourself, as you were of course, the quit geek.

Though when you walked past the raven boy, whom you had been crushing on since preschool, you couldn't help but give him a little smile. 

His silver eyes scanned over you, and even though it was a hot summer's day, you couldn't help but have shiver run though your body. You suddenly felt very naked, even though he had spared you a slick scan. The aura that surrounded him was powerful, and though he was very short, no one, was able to miss him.

"You should go talk to him," Petra grinned, though thankfully she spared you the embarrassment by allowing only your ears to hear her comment.

"Don't be ridiculous," you sighed, your left side of your chest tromped with pain, "he would never like a girl like me."

"Don't be ridiculous, (Y/N)! You're smart, talented -"

At that point you weren't even listening anymore. Even though you knew Petra was trying to be a good friend, you couldn't help but admit it really wasn't working. Because you knew something, that everyone else didn't.


You were walking down the deserted hallways. School had long finished, and of course being the nerd you were, you of  course decided to stay back.  But then you realised, the hallways were not deserted no more.

The raven hair.

You recognised him from anywhere.

And that blonde hair, there was only one.

Well there was two, until Annie got expelled for being in the possession of firearms.

And actually there is also Armin, oh yeah, and Christa. Maybe there was a lot of blondes...

But that was beside the point, because even if you couldn't identify your best friend from her hair, you could identify her from her voice.

I mean, who else has the most highest, yet most charming voice, ever!

So there you were. And there they were, ten metres away from you, down the hall, talking, and... laughing?!

And was that a guy's laugh?! 

Him? Laughing?

And his face... was that...

*End Flashback*

You shuddered at your sudden recollection of memories.

So yeah.

That's how you knew, your crush, Levi Ackerman, a crush, mind you, you had, had since preschool, had a crush on your best friend.

You didn't blame him.

No, that would be stupid.

Petra is the most perfect girl in the world.

She was so beautiful, and kind. Her personality was one that any guy would kill to have, I mean, how can someone be so kind. You however, were the complete opposite. 

You were savage, which could often at times be mistaken as rudeness. You looked innocent and kind, yet, that image was sure ruined after you opened that mouth of yours. You had a prickly personality, which you had to admit, saved you a lot in not getting taken advantage of, or not getting messed with. But sometimes, there was a place were only kindness needed to be,  and that was when your prickly personality ended up pricking yourself. Especially, when it came with Levi. 

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