#11 Snowy Confession

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Looking up, you realised it had began to snow. You watch as slowly, but surely, the horizon was filled with a soft blanket of snow. 

You felt your lips part in awe as snowflakes danced through the air.

Even with such amusement and fantasy with the frozen droplets of water, you could not help but feel the icy cold encase you.

You pulled your coat tighter around you, providing warmth and shelter form the biting and ever so bitter cold. 

"(Y/N)?" you turned around at the call of your name.

"Captain Levi?" you answered back, curious and confused to why the germaphobic would be in such 'messy' weather.

"Why are you out here Cadet (L/N)?" 

"Oh me?" looking into the short man's eyes made you feel intimated by the pool of metallic silver. "I was just heading back from a walk, what about you, Sir?" You were always the one known for dawdling around the place, you loved nature, so much so, you were willing to risk your life outside the walls just to get a wife of the sweet air and a scene of the of the greenery. 

To everyone else, you were quite odd for being so indulged in nature, you often were teased and pushed away due to your love of the great outdoors.

"Actually, Cadet (L/N)... I was waiting for you..." His eyes looked up to you with such hope, his raven hair flowing gently through the gentle yet icy breeze. 

Your eye brows raised in confusion. The Captain waiting for you?

"Wait a minute, am I getting moved up to your squad!?" you yelled overly cheerfully. Who wouldn't be excited? You in THE Captain Levi's squad?!

"Um no..."

Your face went from happy to sad in an instant. 

You were disappointed.  All that hope for nothing.

"Tch. Stop pouting brat. I... I thought I could give you something better."

You cocked your eye brow again with interest. The stoic man had grasped you from your short moment of disappointed, grasping your attention back again.

"Um I was wondering... ah... that is... gah!" you watched as Levi shook his head like he was having a mad argument within. 

After a moment he stopped.

Took a deep breath in.

And he caught yours right in your throat.

"I like (Y/N). Since you have joined I would always find myself in pleasure overtime I am near you. Can you please... go out with me?"

His cheeks were tinted with a light pink, and he fiddled with his zipper and shuffled his feet in the now thick layer of snow. 

As you watched his breath steam in the cold air, you felt your own cheeks heat up. 

You had no idea that the stoic captain could ever like someone like you.

After all, you were always the odd one. 

"Um.. sure," realising the hesitation laced in your voice you quickly began to panic, "I mean, yes! I'd love to, Levi!"

You watched as the Captain instantly sigh in relief, as if he was holding his breath the whole time.

"That's good. I will see you next Sunday, Cadet."

And with that statement, he walked away, hands in his pockets through the snow.

Placing your hands on your heated cheeks, even through the wooly material bought with extra warmth, you could have sworn you could feel the heat emulated by your cheeks.

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