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Ruqayyah's POV

"Adam! Adam, come back here with that spatula right now!" I call my son Adam who's becoming very naughty day by day.

"You can't catch me." Adam laughs stepping back and wanting me to catch him. He was a cute five-year-old boy with blue eyes just like his dad and a 3a afro hair. It was a mix between mine and his dad's. He also had dimples, not from neither of us, he got it from Mrs Nicolette.

He wasn't really trying to annoy me, he just wanted to play, but I told him I couldn't play right now because I was making dinner. Today, Hafsah (Bianca), Youssef, Aisha and Dawud would be coming along with their children. I invited them for dinner and it's almost time and I don't think I'll have everything done by then with Adam running away with every single spatula I have grabbed so far.

"You better start running right now!" I say playfully and he runs away from me laughing as I go behind him. When we reach the leaving room Abdullah (Alex) enters the house and Adam runs to his dad's arms as soon as he saw him.

"Daddy!" Adam screams in excitement while Abdullah (Alex) picked him up onto his arms.

Adam knew now he had someone to play with.

"Assalamu Aleykum, what is going on here?" Abdullah (Alex) asks before kissing Adam on the cheek.

"Mummy won't play with me." He finally admits the truth. All along he tried to hint it by grabbing everything I needed for cooking, from the ingredients to the spatulas.

"Ohh, that's terrible! Don't worry, daddy is here to the rescue." Abdullah (Alex) says playfully and they both start running around the living room. I smile at the scene. "Alright, I give up. You're way too fast." Abdullah (Alex) stops pretending to be out of breath. "How about we make a deal?" He asks and Adam walks towards his dad. "If you agree to go get ready, I will give you some great news."

"Okay." Adam smiles eager to know.

"Saleem is coming today..." Abdullah (Alex) barely finished talking, Adam was already screaming in happiness.

"I left your clothes on top of the bed." I remind Adam before he ran upstairs.

"So all I had to do was tell him that Saleem would be coming and he would finally get ready?" I sigh. How did I not think of that before?

"Don't worry ma Reine, nobody has reached my parental skills yet." Abdullah (Alex) says playfully and I shake my head at him. Before I could answer, I remember the food that was left unattended on the stove.

"By the way, is it true what they are saying on te news?" I ask while mixing the food on the pan with a spatula.

"About my parents?" He knows because that's all they've been talking about on the news for a week already. "Yes, they converted to Islam last week."

"Mashaa Allah!" I smile not very much surprised. Mrs Nicolette and Mr Turner showed a lot of interest in Islam since Abdullah (Alex) converted.

I feel Abdullah's (Alex's) arm revolve around my waist from behind and he kisses me on the cheek.

"Give me the salt from the drawer," I ask and he grabs it for me. "Why aren't you sweating?" I ask, gaining a chuckle from him.

"I figured I'd take take a shower there and help my wife at home," He says leaning on the balcony next to me. "I feel like we haven't gone out as a family for ages, what do you think of family outing tomorrow?" He suggests.

"Sounds great."

"Do you need help in anything?"

"No, all the ingredients are in, so not much left to do."

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