Chapter 53

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Ruqayyah's POV

I wake up surprisingly early and do my usual morning hygiene before heading to the living room to find Khadija struggling to put her shoes on.

"Where are you going, princess?" I ask as I help her put the shoes on.

"To play with Mariame!" She says excitedly.

"I called the neighbour and she said you were welcome to go play with Mariame." My mum comes from the kitchen.

"Yayyy!" Khadija jumps up and down before running to the door. My mum follows her outside and when she was sure Khadija was in the neighbour's house, she closes the door.

"We need to talk." My mum looks at me.

Damn, I hate that phrase.

"About..." I reluctantly follow her to the sofa and sit with her.

"Did you know Ilyass went to Spain?" My mum asks.

"Oh, no I didn't."

"He found out about Zeinab's accident and he went the next day." She explains and I nod.

"That's really nice of him." I limit to that.

"Yes, it is. By the way, Dina asked you to call her. I suppose she wants to tell you about Adam." My mum says and I try to hide the fact that I am surprised she knows about him. "Do you remember Adam? He used to tutor you girls sometimes." She says and I nod.

"Yes, I remember him."

"He asked for her hand in marriage."

"Mashaa Allah!" I smile from ear to ear. I am so not missing that wedding.

"I have a feeling Zeinab and Ilyass have something going on too. Her mum wouldn't stop asking me questions about him. I told her he was a very good man, as far as I know and I gave your teacher, Mrs Fatima's number to Zeinab's mum. Tell me Ruqayyah, what is going on?" My mum suddenly asks and I knew there was a purpose in all of these facts she had given me.

"What is going on?" I repeat her question confused.

"I'm not expecting you girls from this generation to have an arranged marriage, but just going out and seeing someone you think you like, then saying you want to marry that person, is something I wasn't expecting either."

"They did not just see them in the streets and felt attracted to them. Dina already knew Adam for years and at least Ilyass decided to ask for Zeinab's hand as soon as possible before Shaytaan could intervene."

"I understand that. What scares me the most is knowing that they spoke to you girls first before going to your parents. I wonder how that discussion went." My mum says and I knew where this was going.

I hate when she tries to be FBI.

"It was a normal conversation. You are overreacting."

"Oh, you seem to know a lot about it."

I better change the subject.

"Where's dad?"

"He's in a job interview," She replies, somewhat nervous.

"What about his job? I mean, the one he's working at?" I ask praying that she won't say what I think she'll say.

"He lost it." She does not say anything besides that.

I knew the reason why so I didn't ask. I know most employers want employees with their reports clean. A single trouble reference, they will not qualify you as good for the job.

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