Chapter 25

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Ruqayyah's POV

"What real side of her?" I ask and Aisha just shakes her head and pretends a smile.

"Even if I tell you, she would deny it all so." Aisha's phone rings and she gets up from the bed towards the bathroom. It must be a private conversation.

What did she mean by her real side? Is she calling Jameelah two-faced?

I swear this year is so messed up, everyone calls each other fake. What about we all just become friends and leave whatever happened in the past alone?

It was already Maghrib time so I lay down my prayer mat and pray maghrib salah. The whole time I could hear Aisha laugh in the bathroom. Once I am done, I make dua and I obviously remembered to include Bianca and Alex. For some reason, I feel like they are in the journey of being guided to Islam.

I fold my prayer mat and on the way to my bed, I hear Aisha complain to herself about something. She soon leaves the bedroom and goes to her wardrobe to grab and t-shirt which in my opinion was a little too revealing. But whatever, she's at home so who cares.

After wearing it, she grabs her straightener and goes over her hair a little bit.

"Are you going out?" I find myself asking.

"No. Is this shirt okay?" She asks a little unsure.

"To go out?"

"No, to stay home."

"Sure, you can wear whatever you want," I tell her before grabbing my Qur'an to do some reading.

She sits down on her bed and her phone starts to ring, I hear her gasp and notice that it's a video call.

"Should I answer, should I not..." I heard her say it to herself but she soon hangs up the call instead. "Maybe I shouldn't wear this? It's too obvious isn't it?" She tells me and I am so confused right now.

"Then wear a hoodie on top," I tell her noticing that she was going to video call someone.

"Good idea." She gets up to put her hoodie on and her phone rings once again. Once seated on her bed, she answers.

"Hey baby girl, what's up?" I hear a deep manly voice on the other side of the phone and notice that her phone selfie camera was facing up at the ceiling because she refused to show her face and the big smile plastered on it.

"Uh, nothing much. Trying to figure out how to do the assignment you gave us." She says and I decide to stop eavesdropping in her conversation, although it was impossible. She is right next to me. It's probably a teacher, since she mentioned 'assignment that he gave her'.

"I can help you out. Which criteria are you stuck on?"

"Uh, it's okay, I don't think it would be fair on the other students."

'I'm not your teacher right now, I'm just a friend."

"Yes, but you're doing teacher training and in exactly one year you will graduate and officially become my teacher."

"Alright, if you wanna put it in those terms. Then let's just say you're my favourite student."

"Teachers aren't supposed to have favourite students. At least that's what my aunt told me, she's a teacher." She says and I hear him laugh.

"You're so naive."

"Is that good or bad?"

"It depends. Since you won't let me see your pretty face right now, then come dine with me tomorrow night and I'll give you the answer."

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