Chapter 12

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Ruqayyah's POV

I reach home and I am immediately run over by my younger sister, jumping on me and hugging me really tight. It is always like this, she always gives me these tight hugs whenever I come home from college.

"I missed you so much!" My little sister Khadija says with her tiny voice.

"Awn, I missed you too!" I pick her up from the floor and she wraps her legs around my waist.

"Assalamu Aleykum, Ruqayyah." My mum smiles as she returns from the kitchen and joins us in the hug. For my very own surprise, she looked really happy.

I'm sure she didn't forget what happened on Wednesday.

"Waaleikumu Salam..." I made It obvious that I was curious about the reason she was so happy.

"Go get ready, we will have a special dinner today." My mum tells me and I raise a brow.

"But it is too early..."

"It is too late you mean. You have to look your best today, we will have special guests, and when I say special, I mean very special. They are almost family." Mum tells me with a huge smile.

"Cousins? Do I know them?" I ask really curious.

"Not yet, but you will know them soon."

Something is missing here. I don't know all my family members but I know all of the ones that live in England. Why wouldn't I know about these ones?

"There's no reason to exaggerate, just wear your normal clothes." My dad says and my mum shakes her head.

"Stay out of this, I will take care of what she should wear." My mum argues, "Go upstairs and when you are done showering just let me know."

I nod and give a kiss on Khadija's cheek before putting her back down.

I do as my mum said, I take a shower and then wear my plain black abaya and went to the kitchen where she was preparing the dinner.

"Mum, I'm done, I can help you with dinner." I tell her and she smiles turning to face me.

"Are you wearing that simple dress?" Her smile drops.

"Yes, why?"

I could see she didn't like it, she does the same face whenever she doesn't like something I wear.

"Let's go, I will show you the new dress I bought for you for this special day." She was excited and I now understand this is a very important guest because my mum never buys clothes for me, she only gives me the money and tells me to go buy it with Hannah, my older sister.

"Brother Isa!" My mum calls my dad.

She said brother because in Guinea it is tradition to call your husband brother and then his name, it shows more respect. And I never ever heard any Guinean call their husband just by their names.

"Can you just look after the oven until I'm done with Ruqayyah, please?" My mum says as soon as my dad arrives.

"Sure, where are you going?"

"I'm going to show her the beautiful dress I bought for her!" My mum smiles, apparently proud.

"I wanted to wear this one, but mum said no." I tell dad waving at my dress.

"Why not, she looks beautiful in that dress." He says to my mum and she shakes her head in disaproval.

"Yes, she does, but she needs to look extra beautiful today." She grabs my hand and we walk to her's and my dad's room

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