Chapter 7

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Ruqayyah's POV

I go to my usual seat in Felicia coffee, far from the door and take my Psychology book out. Literature homework is done, now time for Psychology and then I'll just get on with some revision. I was going to call the waiter after placing my books on the table, but when I look up, I find Alexandre standing in front of me.

"Psychology?" He sits down in front of me, "I hope you don't mind me sitting here."

I actually do mind. - I answer subconsciously.

I decide to stay quiet because I'm more respectful that way. I don't know what's with this boy, I always seem to be different around him. At least my mind is.

"I thought we were out of the ignoring zone already." He says as he rests his back against the chair carelessly, which for some unknown reason made me unable to remove my eyes from him. That small movement of his, done so heedlessly, was able to make me see him in a different light.

Alright what the heck am I saying? I'll admit... He is handsome... And I think that's an understatement.

"But thank you for being punctual, it's five on the dot." He says and I look at him in confusion.

"We agreed to meet here, remember?"

"You agreed." I answer gaining a small smile from him.

"You owe me." He rests his elbows on the table and leans closer. Uncomfortably close.

"Let's get this over and done with." I say as I close my book and my laptop, leaving them aside. "What do you want?" I lean back and cross my arms in front of me.

"Sassy, beautiful and obedient. At this pace I might end up falling for you. Tell me if it's a dangerous path to take." He says playfully, but why did I feel a hint of honesty in his voice.

"It is a very dangerous path to take." I rest my elbows on the table and watch him in the eye. We were now in a real staring contest. His ocean blue eyes penetrated mine so deeply, that I found myself getting lost in them as if I had just been hypnotised.

It is not fair. Why is he so incredibly handsome? And that teasing smirk along with...

Astaghfirullah! Ruqayyah, control yourself!

"Why is it a dangerous path to take...? Are you gonna break my heart?" He asks and this time I don't see a hint of amusement in his expression.

"You never know." I give a fake smile and try to open my laptop but he closes it soon after gaining a gasp from me.

"Look at me." He says as I try to recover from his sudden action. My eyes meet his again and I struggle to keep eye contact this time due to how intense they were. Which nerve did I hit? "What if I'm willing to risk it?" He asks his question and I could not decide whether he was still playing or if he was serious.

"Alex, stop." I say, noticing that this conversation is about to take a completely different turn from what I expected.

"Alright." He leans back on his chair again bringing his smirk back on. "Let's hang out for the day."

"I don't hang out."

"You were hanging out with Youssef a minute ago."

"I wasn't."

"Why were you with him then?" He asks making me look at him again. "Alright, I get it, none of my business." He raises his hand up as if surrendering and calls the waiter.

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