Chapter 5

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Ruqayyah's POV

I am tempted to ignore the fact that it's time for lesson and just walk after Alexandre because I feel awfully bad right now. For what reason? I have no idea. I just feel like everybody has a weak spot and I may or may have not just hit his one by accident. I told him to leave me alone and he did, but why is it that I do not feel good about it?

"Back to earth Ruqayyah..." I hear a voice and then fingers snap in front of my eyes, "Lesson has started, aren't you getting in?" He asks. Wait, I know this guy. He's Turker, one of Alexandre's friends.

"Um... Yes... Thank you..." I say before turning around to enter the classroom.

"You're Ruqayyah, right?" He asks stopping me at the door.

"Yes." I say and he just nods before entering the classroom.

What was that? Did all guys in here take a PHD in being weird?

I enter the classroom and I realise why Turker thought it was best to call my attention before he gets in. The classroom is fully packed and there are only two free seats left. One next to Turker himself, but the way he just slammed his bag on the chair next to him, shows he wants no company whatsoever. Not that I would sit there anyways. And the other free seat was next to a girl with wavy dirty blond hair and red strands. Damn, she was pretty!

"Good Morning, Ruqayyah. Do you care to sit down?" I hear a voice and that's when I realise I'm still standing in front of the door.

I look up and I couldn't believe my eyes. I had the same sociology teacher as last year. She is a tall, tanned skin with long dark brown Brazilian hair. She is Brazilian and I literally love her natural wavy hair.

She gives me a smile in return when I notice her and points at the seat next to the girl with the red strands. I make my way to her and as I sit down I immediately regret it. Were those deadly glares I just saw? Damn, girl, what did I ever do to you?

"So, everybody, by the look, I have taught nearly all of you last year so there should be no need for you to present yourselves. Meanwhile, my name is Miss Lila and I will be your sociology teacher this year as well. Welcome to sociology!" She says before going to her desk and projecting work on the smartboard.

"I'm sorry, you're way too close to me." The girl next to me says. What? I'm literally at the other end of the desk.

"I'm sorry." I simply say, but don't move. As I said, I'm at the end of the desk, there's no more space. She's the one who should be moving.

"If you're sorry then move." She says in the coldest tone I have ever heard.

"As you can see, I'm at the end of the table, I can't move any further than this. You are actually the one who is in my personal space, so how about you move? with all due respect of course." I give her a fake smile before turning back to the front and opening my book.

"Well, I don't like to be at the end of the table. So if you can't move, how about you change seats."

"Why would I change seats?" I look at her in confusion.

"Because I was here first and I don't remember inviting you to sit next to me."

"Well, I'm sorry I didn't see your name written on the table, and besides, Miss Lila told me to sit here."

"Well, but I don't like you!" She says coldly.

"I didn't ask you to."

"You will regret that attitude with me."

"Is that a threat?"

"Take it as you want...darling." She gives me a fake smile before turning to the front.

HIJABI ✔️Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ