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"I'll text you if I will be able to pick you up later." Cyan said when we arrived at the company I was working at.

"You really don't have to pick me up, Cyan. I'm totally fine by myself." I replied and held onto my bag to get ready to go down the car.

"I insist Kendra and it's dangerous for you to go home alone. If I still don't text after an hour from your time off work, hail a cab and text me the plate number." he ordered and I nodded st his direction.

Even if he doesn't say it, I always take pictures of the cab's plate number just in case I get into trouble. The only difference now was that I would be sending it to Cyan.

"Noted, Doc. Be careful on your way to the hospital." I reminded him because I saw in the news the increasing number of vehicular accidents on the road.

"I will, Kendra. Have a good day." Cyan said.

"Yeah, you too." I replied before smiling at him.

I just went down from his car. I don't know when it started but Cyan had always drive me from home to work. Sometimes when he has time, he'll pass by the company to wait for me until I finishes my work too. It's super nice to have him around. My transportation expenses decreased in an amazing amount. That's thanks to Cyan.

"You've got yourself a boyfriend now, Violet?" Hera asked when she saw me entered the company.

I followed where Hera was looking at and saw Cyan's car who was now driving away. Seriously? I don't understand other people. Just because I got down from a guy's car doesn't mean he is my boyfriend now. Jesus.

"He's not my boyfriend, Hera." I denied and Hera only gave me a toothy grin.

"If you say so." she said and we walked in peace which was surprising. I thought Hera would push the topic but thank God she didn't.

We rode the elevator together and Hera didn't keep her mouth shut unlike what I expected. "Right, are you the one who helped me get home last Friday? I can't seem to remember what happened."

I drew in a sharp breath when she reminded me about that Friday night. Of all the things we can talk about, she chose that? Unbelievable. Are the odds against me today too?

"I left the party early, Hera. You were so drunk so I guess someone from our workmates brought you home." I replied despite the several unpleasant memories that are starting to enter my mind.

"Is that so? This is my floor, Violet. See you at lunch break." Hera bid goodbye and went out of the elevator.

"See you around." I said and just kept quiet inside the elevator. Before reaching the 12th floor, I was left alone inside the elevator.

When I reached the 12th floor, I quickened my pace and entered Zachary's office. I put his coffee on the exact same spot and dashed out. I just wanted to not see him at all today but I know it's impossible when I'm basically his secretary. It means I will always see him no matter what circumstances we are in, I will still see him.

"Violet? Please come to my office." he said from the other line of the telephone. 

See? I was right that I won't be able to avoid him today. It's just so impossible. I'm his secretary which he needs almost every hour of the day. He orders a lot of things too and summons me in his office frequently in the span of a day. It was wrong of me to hope that I won't get to be face to face with him.

"Please hand this over to Mr. Chan. Tell him to revise this and give it back by tomorrow." he ordered me for another errand.

I held the papers he handed and did not bother to look at him. It was fine, he wasn't looking at me either so it is just fair. His attention was all on the screen of his laptop and he didn't even bother to look at me. What was I even expecting?

"I'll be on my way, Sir." I quickly answered but Zachary stopped me.

I cursed for countless of times in my head when he called for my name. Is these anything he still wants me to do? Every second that passes by is pure torture to me!

"Wait a minute, what's the rush? Can you come here first and tell me which suits the office best?" he said and gestured me to come closer to see what was in his monitor.

"I'd rather not pick anythig, Sir. That's not part of my job." I reasoned out to get myself out of this hellhole.

"Yes, of course it's not part of your job. But as a friend, can you please---"

"I'm afraid I can't, Sir. Please excuse me." I cut him and went out of his office without even waiting for his reply.

I don't care if he finds it rude but I cannot tolerate it anymore. It hurts just seeing Zachary. I know that he might not remember what happened that night but the pain remains.

I had the urge to cry but I stopped myself before doing so. Zachary might find me weird if I cry all of a sudden. Bottling up problems is not good but it was the best option for now. It's not the right option but it was the best.

"Violet? Please pick up the reports from the marketing management. I need them right away." his voice was void with emotion when he contacted me through the telephone.

I was a little anxious on how he reacted on my little rebellion. I just cut him off while speaking so I'm now nervous on what the consequences of my action will be. Although I was ready to face anything, the nervousness wouldn't just subside will they?

Nonetheless, I did what I was told. I walked myself to the elevator and pushed the button for the 8th floor. The marketing management is located at the eight floor of the building. I waited for a couple of minutes before the elevator bursted open.

"Freya? Sir Zachary wants your department to submit the report already." I told Freya, who was the only one I know from the marketing department.

"The boss wants them right now?" she worriedly asked because I can see how busy they were.

They must be doing some project again for the company. They are always so busy throughout the day. I don't think I'll be able to handle it if I were designated to this department. Their workload are just too many and are so pressuring.

"He wants them right now. Please tell the Chief of your department to pass them right away." I reminded because Zachary may be a kind boss but anything that connects to the word late makes him so mad. 

"I'll tell him right away, Violet." Freya replied with a smile despite being so busy.

"Okay, see you around." I said and smiled in triumph.

I just made another way to avoid him. He wanted to have the reports now but he didn't specified who he wants to deliver them. It's a genius solution.

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