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"Kendra, you have to wake up now. It's already noon."  someone said and I opened my eyes.

Aunt Emerald was the first one I saw. She was sitting on a chair just beside the bed I was lying on. I can clearly remember falling asleep on the couch last night. How did I ended up here?

"Good morning, Aunt Emerald." I greeted with a groggy voice and sat upright.

"Good morning too, Kendra. You should go down to eat something. You already skipped breakfast so you can't skip lunch too." she said and I smiled at her direction.

"I'll follow you after I shower, Auntie." I mumbled and she nodded.

"Okay, I'll be expecting you dowmstairs for lunch."

She left the room right away and I couldn't help but to roam my eyes. I need to know which room I was sleeping on. This must be the guest room in the second floor next to Aunt Emerald's room.

I quickky got up and took a bath. I changed into casual clothes and went downstairs right away. I saw Aunt Emerald in the dining room fixing the table.

"Kendra, you're here. Come and joins us for lunch." she invited me and I happily sat on one of the chairs.

"Stay here while I call Cyan." Aunt Emerald said and I nodded while I stare at the feast in front of me.

They all looked savory and delicious. I can't wait to eat. My head turned to the direction of the staircase when I heard a guy's voice.

"Mom, I told you that I can't eat right now. I need to sleep and sleep and sleep."

"You can sleep and sleep and sleep after you eat lunch, Cyan. I know that you're tired from all those surgeries but you need to eat."

I heard a groan right after that and I smiled at the new arrival. It was Cyan. Aunt Emerald's eldest son.

"Good morning." I greeted and Cyan looked at me and smiled a little. He greeted back and sat across the table.

Aunt Emerald gave me the go sign to est and I did. I got all the food that I was craving for and what made my mouth water. Cyan seemed uninterested in eating so I got nosy and put a piece of chicken on his plate.

"Eat up. Aunt Emerald won't like it if you don't eat." I said and smiled at him. He only stared at me with a deadpan look but he held his utensils right after.

"I'm going to eat this not because I wanted to but because Mom is worried." he mumbled and I couldn't help but smile at him.

I wasn't close with Cyan. He was the only one in Aunt Emerald's children that I did not got close with. He was just a little distant and silent that I did not bother to talk to him at all. He was also barely seen in this house because he was a doctor.

"Eat up Cyan, you need that booster to have energy on doing surgeries." Aunt Emerald appeared and brought a soup to the table.

I started eating too and I did not care about my surrounding. I just stopped when I felt someone staring at me. Cyan was looking at me with that poker face and I felt uncomfortable.

"You should eat less so that you wouldn't get heavy. You weigh more than what meets the eye."

I couldn't help but cough when he said that. Auntie handed me a glass of water to drink and I chugged it in one go.

"Don't mind Cyan. He's just stressed and didn't got enough sleep." Auntie reasoned out and I nodded.

When I resumed eating, I suddenly got what he said. Oh my gosh! Is he the one who transferred me to the guest room?

His stare confirmed that he was really the one who brought me to that room. Gosh. Did he just said that I was heavy? The audacity.

I rolled my eyes at him and continued eating. Whatever. I don't care if he thinks that I'm heavy. His opinion is not appreciated.

"Are you leaving this evening, Cyan?"

"Yes, Mom. I have two surgeries tonight and I won't be going home. I have to stay at the hospital until the next day."

"Isn't sleeping in the hospital uncomfortable? You said you had a hsrd time falling asleep." Auntie's worried voice reached my esrs and it made my heart clenched.

It's a beautiful sight to see while eating lunch. A mother's love can reslly touch a thousand hearts.

"I will be fine, Mom. Besides, I don't think that I will be able to sleep for tonight. I have to stay up to monitor the patients."

I suddenly felt bad for him. To those who says that being doctors are easy jobs, the whole society is against you. I can't even imagine not sleeping for a night. Imagine how many hours these doctors have to stay up just to do their job?

I did not listen to their conversation any further because that's my way of respecting their privacy. I shouldn't meddle when I'm not a part of the family.

After lunch, Cyan went to his room to catch some more sleep. On the other hand, I pulled Auntie to the garden where no one will hear us.

"Can I ask you for a favor, Auntie?" I ssked carefully

"Of course, Kendra. As long as I can do it, I will."

Her warm regards towards doing a favor for me, lightened up my mood. I was so nervous to even tell her my request but this is the only way.

"I want to be in your registry. Violet Carter." I mentioned the name that I had come up with and Auntie was in a state of shock.

"Pardon me?" she asked and I sighed. I badly want to be in her registry to be able to hide my identity.

"I can't go back home yet, Aunt Emerald. My Dad is up to something and I don't want to comply to what he wants. He's turning my life into a misery and I can't just stand back while I witness my life shattering."

"That's not possible, Kendra. You don't even have a birth certificate so how will you pull off that act?"

"Money can do wonders, Auntie. With just a few bucks, Violet Carter will be able to have a birth certificate, diplomas and everything. She will be able to exist."

I honestly thought this decision through. It might be hard to acquire other documents for a non-existent person but with money, it will be easy. Thank the heavens that I got a few cash left in my bag that I can use to pay off anyone just to get whst I want.

"What if the authorities realizes that you are fake? That Violet Carter is fake and you will be imprisoned? I don't want to be held accountable for that, Kendra."

"I won't include anyone from your family in my statement. I'll just say that I forced you to say yes to my offer. I promise that you won't get to be in the receiving end of this, Auntie."

"Let me think about it for a day or two. You can stay here until I make a decision, Kendra."

It wasn't the answer I was expecting but it was better than receiving a rejection. At least with that, I finally have some hope. I just wish Aunt Emerald says yes.

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