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K E N D R  A

"Have a great day, dear." Aunt Emerald said as she walked me out of the house.

I smiled and waved my hand as a goodbye to Aunt Emerald. She's really sweet and caring. She never fails to make me feel at home. Even if I was a stranger to them, I was so thankful when she took me in.

"I'll get back as early as possible, Aunt Emerald. I'll get going now!" I exclaimed and walked away to hail a cab. 

When I got to work, I was surprised to see signage everywhere. Did Sir Zachary ordered to put these here? How empathetic of him. He recognized my hardship and addressed it right away. It's overwhelming.

"Good morning, Violet." Hera popped out of nowhere and greeted me.

"Are you just going in to work?" I asked curiously and she shook her head.

"Nope. I just went out to get something." she said and showed me a plastic with something inside.

"Oh." I exclaimed and smiled right after. Hera was always so early for work. It's a role model attitude that I should acquire someday.

"Do you noticed the signs on each floor? Those weren't there yesterday. I wonder what got into the boss's mind to put up those." Hera asked and I nodded in agreement although I take it as a help from Zachary.

My heart feels happy with that simple gesture of him. He really ordered to put up signs directing people where to go right away. It makes me feel appreciated.

"Nothing came on my mind. What's important is that it helps people. Right, Violet?" a voice said and Hera and I both jumped slightly because of surprise.

Hera suddenly bow her head and greeted a good morning to the newcomer. I only could stare at him. He was so close and his chin was just an inch from my shoulders. Zachary smiled at me and stood straight. He was holding a case at his right hand and fixed his coat before looking back at me.

"Violet, follow me." he said and walked towards his private elevator.

"He seemed to be in a great mood." Hera commented and I sympathized with that idea.

"I'll see at lunch break, Hera. Have a good day!" I said and ran to catch up with Zachary.

When his elevator opened, he walked inside it and I was hesitating to go in too. I was told that only Zachary can ride that elevator. An employee like me must ride at the normal elevator.

"What are you standing there, Violet? Hop in. The elevator's closing." he said and I did not have a choice but to obey. I stood next to him and held onto my bag.

I thought Zachary would stay quiet but he suddenly handed me a picture. I took a peek at who it was and I almost drop it out of my hands. My hands started shaking a little bit as I stare more at the picture. I'm sure that I do not have a bad eyesight and that I'm seeing this right.

It was a picture of me on my Mom's last birthday party. I was wearing a blue ball gown there and was glammed up for the party. Why and where did Zachary got this picture?

"Look into everything you can find about her. I'd like to have at least one important information about her by tomorrow, Violet." he sounded serious unlike a few minutes ago in the lobby.

At least one important information? So he was into finding me now huh? Is he now part of the team who are set to find out where I am?

"May I ask...why?" I stuttered and asked carefully. He may find it rude if I ask in an impolite way so I tried to sound respectful as possible.

"I'm trying to find her, Violet. You see, she's someone special I have to find." he said and smiled at me.

Someone special he has to find? What does that mean? As much as I can remember, we weren't that close for him to call me as someone special to him. I can even count on my fingers just how much we have seen each other when I was still Kendra.

Did my brother asked him for help? If he did then I'm in real trouble. I'm now standing at the edge of a cliff and working as a secretary of Zachary might push me off of it. I'm in grave danger as every second passes by with me in the same vicinity with Zachary. He's looking for me for goodness' sake! I can't just brush this off. 

"Will you help me gather information about her, Violet?" he looked at me with anticipation.

Is he giving me an important task of finding info about myself? I find it ridiculous on my behalf but to Zachary, asking me for info about Kendra Rivera isn't controversial at all. I'm going to give him the most basic info about myself if necessary. I can't give him an important information that might put me in grave danger. Being located right now isn't part of my plan.

"If..." I gathered all the courage I had and battled with his remark. "If she is someone special, then why are you looking for her?"

As much as possible, I'm juicing some information out of him. He recently joined the team of those looking for me. I'm sure that if I can at least be updated of the other team's progress, I'll be fine.

"She ran away, Violet. That's why I need to find her." I was taken aback on how he just gave an important information away. Isn't he scared that I might tell the media about this?

I, for sure, won't ever tell the media. Because I'm Kendra for goodness' sake. I don't want to stir more trouble to the family. However, him nonchalantly giving out important information is quite concerning. I'm just his secretary. He shouldn't just tip me off on something controversial. What if he had a different secretary? He would've been doomed by now.

"You're quite fearless by telling me an important info, Sir. Are you sure that I won't give out this info to the media?"

"I trust you Violet. I trust you so much that I'm telling you this." he said and I was about to ask something again when the elevator opened and he went out right away.

I bit my lip in frustration as I couldn't ask him right away. I was aiming to at least get an information on Kendrick's progress in finding me. I guess that can wait.

I sighed and looked at the photo I was still holding. I looked so happy in the photo. Who knew I would be here as somebody's secretary running away from home? Nobody really knows how life can turn out. I hid the picture in my bag as soon as I saw somebody walking in my way. 

Research about myself? That's an interesting task for today.

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