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I was back at work again after that unwinding trip to a beach with Aunt Emerald's family. I was wearing a dull green slacks partnered with a black V neck thin strapped top. I held the black blazer on my left hand and I wore a black stilettos.

Just like any other day, Cyan drove me to work before he goes to the hospital. I entered the company and it was quite a surprise that Hera wasn't here yet or she's already in her office.

I rode the elevator and arrived at the 12th floor of where the office is. I entered Zachary's office to brew a coffee. It was too early for him to come to work so I decided to make the coffee. I was done in a flash and I quickly left his office.

Putting my bag down on the table, I sat on my chair to do the day's work. I started typing, scrolling, and clicking like I was a professional video game player. I don't know why but I felt like rushing things.

"You left you're makeup bag in my car, Violet. Would you like me to bring it to you?" Cyan called all of a sudden just to ask me that question.

I would've told him to bring it to me but I wasn't that inconsiderate. He was busy in the hospital and who knows how many surgeries he have today. Declining his offer would be the best choice.

"It's fine. I can survive a day without it, Cyan. Don't bother."

"Is that so? I was looking forward to seeing you in your office today but you declined." he whined and I couldn't help but laugh.

He was being clingy and cringe at the same time. He used that cutie voice to make me guilty so I told him to come here.

"If you get deducted for leaving the hospital during work time, don't blame it on me Cyan."

"I would never. 12th floor right?" he asked to make sure that my office was located on the floor he was asking.

"Yes, I'll tell the front desk to let you in." I said and bid goodbye before we ended the call.

I still had the smile on my face when I noticed how the time went by. It was already lunch time and I went out to go to the cafeteria. Hera and the others might be waiting for me already.

"Violet, are you going for lunch?" Zachary suddenly asked when I was in front of the elevator.

"Yes, Sir. Do you want me to do something first?" I asked but in my mind, I was wishing that he doesn't have anything for me to do. I'm hungry.

"No, of course not. I was just about to ask if I can join you for lunch?"

Lunch? Did he just said that he wants to join me for lunch? I blinked fast before putting on an awkward smile.

"Sure, Sir." I said and we went inside the elevator together.

I was very uncomfortable during the whole ride and was wishing for the elevator to speed up. Why would he even want to join me for lunch? Did he ate something rotten for breakfast?

A ting sound resonated inside the elevator and I can now breathe. I walked briskly to our usual table and saw my friends. They smiled at me but later on wore confused expressions when they saw Zachary.

"He said he'd like to join for lunch." I announced and they all stood up to pay respect.

"It's fine, you can all sit down." he said and pulled a chair to sit beside me.

I smiled awkwardly to my friends as a sorry. I know they're uncomfortable around Zachary.

Good thing that Zachary didn't talk much while he was seating on our table. I was also silently eating when my phone beeped. It was Cyan.

I texted him where I was and he sais he'll be here. Just a few minutes and he really did arrived. He smiled at me and I stood up to welcome him.

"Did you eat already?" I asked and he shook his head.

"You said the food here is great. Can I eat with you?" he asked and I didn't know what to say.

Cyan walked quickly and pulled a chair to sit on my other side. My friends smiled at him warmly. "Are you going to eat here, Cyan?" Hera asked.

"Yes, if I can. Any recommendations?" he asked and my friends were so lively with him. He was indeed a vitamin that cheers us up.

"With much respect, I'm afraid that the employees are the only one allowed to eat here, Sir." Zachary suddenly said and Cyan looked at him.

"Oh, didn't see you there Mr. CEO." he teased and my friends had a hard time stopping themselves from laughing.

I saw how Zachary's eyes got full with anger and he looked at Cyan annoyed. "Didn't see you there too. You were unnoticeable to start with."

"About your claim, I can clearly see a sign showing that anyone can eat here as long as they are inside the company. Are you bluffing me, Mr. CEO?" Cyan clapped back and I held onto his hands to stop him.

"I'll help you order, Cyan. Come on." I said and pulled him away from our table.

We ordered his food and thankfully, we finished lunch peacefully. Cyan bid goodbye and left ro go back to the hospital and I was stuck again inside the elevator with Zachary.

"I'm sorry for being rude to your boyfriend. I didn't mean to." he apologized and I bit my lip.

"It's fine, Sir. He didn't addressed it that way. He's an understanding guy so it'll be fine."

"Still, it was rude to act like that to a guest. Tell him I was sorry, Violet." he said again and I was saved by the bell. The elevator opened and I stepped out quickly.

"I'll see you later, Sir." I ended the conversation and walked quickly to my office. I slammed my door and sighed.

Zachary's presence is enough to make me feel uneasy and it's awfully discomforting. I wish I don't see him until the end of the day. I couldn't bear it.

My wish was heard by the Gods and I went to Hera's floor to pick her up. We were always together when going out the company.

"I was about to ask what your boyfriend and Sir Zachary talked about during the party but he unexpectedly joined us for lunch." Hera pointed out.

"Cyan said it was about business. Didn't even care that much about it. Why?" I asked again and it was Lucy's time to ask.

"Business? But why do I have this impression that they don't get along? They were sharing glares to each other during lunch, Violet."

"Glares?" I queried and Lucy nodded. "It was intense."

"You shouldn't let your boyfriend meet with the CEO again, Violet. I feel like they're close to fighting when they see each other."

"Yeah and why did your boyfriend visit all of a sudden?" Hera asked and I smiled.

"He brought my makeup bag that I left in his car. He said he'd bring it."

"He drove all the way from the hospital to here just for a makeup bag? That's so sweet, Violet." Lucy purred and I laughed at that.

After that small talk, I rode a taxi to go home. I couldn't help but think of what I should do about Hera and the others thinking that Cyan is my boyfriend. Fixing it won't matter anymore, right?

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