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"So are we really gonna go?" Courtney asked and I shrugged.

Courtney was supposed to stay at a hotel but when my parents found out that she was here, they invited her to sleep at our house. They said that Courtney's a part of our family. She's my cousin anyway so I didn't care much. It was just right to let her stay here for the duration of her visit. It'll be too rude to not care about your relatives.

"Do we have to?" I asked and threw a popcorn in my mouth.

We were in the cinema room together. She was watching an Asian film which she really liked. Didn't really paid attention to the movie because I was wanting to watch The Grand Budapest Hotel but Courtney decided otherwise. We even argued about it for about a few minutes not lower than thirty. It was a hard battle. Obviously I lost, so here I am sucking it up.

"Shouldn't we? I think it's Cassandra's first time in Barcelona. Shouldn't we be good friends and at least welcome her at the airport?" Courtney stated without glancing at me. She's too engrossed with the movie.

I pouted and looked at Courtney. Gosh, fine.

"I'll just change my clothes and then we can go." I gave up and left Courtney to change my clothes.

The movie is nearing the end anyway and Cassandra is already in the plane approaching Barcelona. I should go and get ready before we get late. I don't want her waiting in a foreign place.

I wore a beige mom jeans, a blue string top, and heels. I didn't have the mood for a fashion outfit of the day today. I just put on whatever clothes there was on top of my closet. I called one chaeuffeur and asked him to drive for us to the airport. I fixed my hair and wore the seatbelt before we ascend to the road.

"Should we buy something for Cass? At least some food?" Courtney suggested and I shook my head.

"We'll just swing by a restaurant before proceeding to our house. Is Luke with her?" I asked and Courtney pouted.

"I don't think so. I haven't heard from them since last month." Courtney replied with a sigh.

"Are they still the same?" I asked with a dismayed tone. "Maybe."

I couldn't help but be worried about the two of them. Gosh. They're not teens anymore to play around. It was frustrating in our part as friends because their relationship was hindering us in having a get together. We can't even gather with all the four of us whenever they fight or have some misunderstanding going on. I don't know. Their relationship is like a switch. On and off whenever they want to. 

"If it's that toxic, they should just break up once in for all." I said and Courtney nodded as an agreement.

If only we can interfere, we would have told them to break up already. However, it was just purely bot our personal business and it is rude to pry. Also, it'll be difficult to really stick the friendship together. It will hinder them big time to be back to just friends. Imagine the awkwardness whenever they meet. It'll be horrible.

"Yeah. But they're just so messed up. Chose to stay because they didn't want to put to waste the long years of knowing each other."

"Let's just hope that they'll finally get back to their senses." I said and I felt the car stopped.

We both went out and walked our way to where we will meet Cass. My face lit up when I saw Cassandra walking to our way. Everyone was turning their heads to her direction. Gosh. There goes my supermodel friend making the airport her runway. It never fails every time

"Girls!" she greeted and gave us a kiss. I returned the favor and smiled at her.

"Good thing you're here. I am already famished, honey." Courtney said and Cass laughed at her.

"Oh, Courtney! You and you're always hungry stomach. So what are we waiting for? Let's fill up our belly!" Cassandra energetically said and we giggled before going to our car.

We stopped by on our way to our house to eat. We just picked a restaurant near our street and we ordered some foods. It was already past lunch so we decided to just order snacks. I ordered an egg bun and an iced coffee. Just a little snack. I don't want to be bloated.

"Not to offend but are you okay with Luke?" I asked because I couldn't hold myself anymore.

I know, I know. I told myself that prying is rude but I just can't contain myself anymore. It is slowly irritating me and making me feel restless.

"We're fine. He's just late because he still has work and I couldn't just drop the flight. Money's not something I can just pick up." Cass stated and laughed. 

"It's good to hear that you two are okay for once." Courtney said and Cassandra smiled.

"Yeah. We kind of grew up and decided what we should really be. We're now okay." Cass said and I couldn't be more proud of her.

We just had a girl's talk for the whole time we spent in the restaurant. Cassandra said she wanted to rest already so we went home before three o'clock. Cassandra will also stay in our house. So as Luke. My parents didn't want them to stay in hotels because they said it'll be a waste of money. Besides, our house has tons of unused rooms they can use. They are always welcome in it anyway. They said my friends should save up their money and just crash at our place. 

"Kendra? Cass said Luke is already in the airport." Courtney announced after knocking in my room.

I stood up from my bed and fixed myself. I'll be waiting for Luke in the airport alone. Courtney was busy and I didn't want to bother Cass. She just took a plane ride and she might be dead tired. Jet lag is so horrible. It was also my duty to welcome my friend. I can't just let him handle himself. Luke is still a baby after all.

"To the airport, please." I told the chaeuffeur and I fixed my makeup while we were in the car.

The ride was long enough for me to finished dolling myself up. I stared at myself proudly. My makeup came out nicely. I went out of the car and walked to the airport. I looked at my watch and texted Luke where he was. He texted me that he was on his way and I told him where I was standing.

While browsing my phone, Luke came. I lifted my gaze and smiled at Luke before hugging him.

"Glad you came." I said and he did the same. When we finished hugging each other I couldn't help but look at the guy behind Luke.

He was wearing his usual dress shirt, pants, and shoes. I blinked for a few times before muttering. Is he really here?

"What..." I trailed off and blinked before looking at him with wide eyes.

"Did you miss me, Kendra?" Zachary asked and I couldn't help but jump to embrace him.

Gosh. I miss this guy so much.

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