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"Sir there is no available employee by this week. It's the holiday week for our company so probably almost everyone will take their leave. I'm afraid that you will be going there by yourself, Sir." my secretary said and rolled the strand of her hair on her shoulder.

I examined her. She was wearing a black fitted skirt with a slit, if it still can be called as a slit because it almost reach her waist. Her cleavage is also showing off. She was blinking her eyes in a flirty way that made me want to throw up.

I snapped my fingers and she was startled by it. "You're fired Ms. Taylor. I don't want to see your face in my office again."

I left her just outside my office, bewildered with what I just said. She should have known that I take office etiquette seriously. I don't like people like her. They make me feel so disrespected by doing things like that.

Slamming the door, I entered my office and slumped my back on my chair. This is so tiring. Just a few seconds after I sat down, someone knocked.

"Come in." I said and the door opened before Van emerged.

"I can see that you fired another helpless woman. When will you stop firing them?" he pointed out with such disappointment in his face.

He's probably tired of this cycle too. I'll hire a secretary and just fire them whenever I find some fault with them. I just can't seem to find the perfect secretary for me. Every secretary that I had just wanted to be associated with me in a way that steps out of line. I'm not someone they can just flirt with. I'm not that kind of man.

"When I find a suitable secretary." I stated in a as a matter of fact tone.

"And when will that happen?" he interrogated and I gave him a deadpan look before answering. "When pigs fly."

Luke laughed out loud and looked at me in disbelief. He must be thinking how stupid I was to fire that secretary. I couldn't care less though. Once I find them not fit for the role of secretary I throw them away.

"You're not here to give me a lecture again, right?" I made sure because I'm too tired for an ear boggling lecture from him.  

"Nah. I'm quite tired from talking and my saliva's not plenty enough to give you a lecture. I just passed by to ask whether you want to join Kendrick and I to Vegas?"

"Vegas? What will a busy business man like you do in Vegas?" I pulled my gaze from Luke to the paperworks on top of my table.

"To have fun. Kendrick's inviting me to his casino. Won't you come with us?" his persuasive voice had come to light and was trying to make me say yes. I glanced back at Luke and he made his eyebrows dance up and down.

"No and that's final." I gave him a solid rejection because I really couldn't go with them. No matter how much effort he puts in persuading me, I'll still say no.

Luke debated for a few more minutes before giving up and leaving me in my office alone. Now that no employees were available to go to California, I don't have a choice but to go there in pronto.

Without much trouble, I reached California that very evening. A car escorted me to a penthouse near the seaside. The penthouse was luxurious and looked very expensive. I wonder who owns this one.

"I'll take care of these for you, Sir." the chauffeur said once I went down of the car. 

"Okay, I'll be inside." I reiterated and entered the penthouse with the key I had.

The chauffeur who drove me here helped me with my luggage. He was the one who carried my luggage from the elevator until the entrance of the penthouse on the rooftop. The breeze suddenly brushed my skin and I couldn't help but to smile. This is nice. I guess going here in California to check on the company won't be an annoyance.

I entered the penthouse and was surprised when I saw the warm atmosphere inside. The interior of the penthouse reminded me of home which was very different from its exterior. The exterior screams modernization and I didn't expect this interior.

After looking at the rooms, I settled on the room on the first floor. It was more suited for my taste than the room on the second floor. This room was a bit smaller, but the the interior's more likeable. I certainly won't sleep in a room that looked so feminine. I'll be uncomfortable if I would.

I got hungry after showering that I decided to cook dinner. I didn't estimated it well that I had leftovers and I just let it sit on top of the dining table with a cover. I'm curious about the back area of this penthouse that I went there excitedly.

Good thing that the area filled my expectations. I sat on one of the chairs and munched on the chips I brought out here. The see breeze here is really something. It's rather comfortable when you experience it here.

I was enjoying the breeze by myself when I got startled with a loud thud on the floor. I saw a bottle of water and an apple scattered on the floor until my gaze landed on a girl. She was wearing a shocked expression with those wide eyes and trembling lips.

My eyes kept on blinking and I stood up before talking. "Who are you and how did you get here?"

"That should be me asking you that question, Mister. How did you enter my penthouse?"

Her penthouse? What the hell. So she's the owner of this luxurious penthouse. Why was she so familiar? I think I saw her before. But I couldn't really put a finger on it.

I fumbled with my robe's pocket and I fished out my phone before showing her a text from Mr. Rivera. It was his text telling me what the penthouse's passcode was. She grabbed the phone from my hand and stared at it in disbelief.

"Good God!" she shrieked and I suddenly got a eureka moment. Now I remember when and where I saw her. She was the owner of the Benz I accidentally bumped weeks ago. That's why she was so familiar.

"You!" she pointed a finger towards me with that enraged expression. "Me?"

"Yes you! Stay there and don't do anything stupid. I'm calling Dad in this ungodly hour." she mumbled to herself and marched towards the penthouse.

She stopped midway and called her Dad in the middle of the dining room where I can see and hear her clearly. I bit the insides of my cheeks and closed my eyes while I hear how she fought with her Dad over the phone.

She seemed infuriated and was clenching her phone too much that I was worried that it might break into pieces. I should tattoo into my mind not to cross a woman like her. I'm scared for my dear life right now.

"You can sleep on the room in the first floor if you promise not to touch anything that you see as confidential and a personal item." she said with a very calm voice which made me scared even more.

She seemed very different from that infuriated woman moments ago that I am actually curious if she was still okay. I hope she is.

"Promise." I didn't know that the word promise will be the only thing to let that woman calm down and let me have a good night. I was so scared that night that I did not dare to go out the room.

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