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We were staying in Spain for two days now. I can probably say that the two days I spent here in  Spain was pure torture. It was mentally and emotionally torturing on my part. I'm having severe insomnia and I feel restless every time. Must be from my anxiety that is attacking me right now. See? This is bad for my mental health.

I had found out yesterday why Dad decided for us to move to Barcelona. He found out about Zachary visiting me and he was enraged about it. That's why we are here right now. I couldn't mutter some courage to confront Dad about it. Besides, he'll only win and I'll be at the receiving end of his anger. I don't want to be grounded in such an amazing place.

That's the last thing I ant to receive. I don't want myself to get stuck in this big house in Spain. The place is just too pretty not to roam around. I don't want to be forced to be locked up inside this house. That'll be gruesome.

"We'll be out until the evening. Eat dinner without us." Dad informed while we were eating breakfast.

I only glanced at my parents and continued eating afterwards. I really didn't have the energy to invest in a conversation with them. I was still upset with what Dad did. It will take a bit more days before my disappointment with him vanish. It's not that easy. 

"I'll be going to the Casa for a visit." I heard Kendrick said and I didn't cared much.

I was also going out today to meet Courtney. She said she'll be going here to visit me. She was dead worried about my situation. I was thankful that I have Courtney at the very least. She'll always be by my side and won't ever leave me. Best cousin in the whole world, approved!

We finished breakfast after that and I went to my room to doll myself up. I'm meeting Courtney just before lunch so I gotta fix myself now. I wore a baby blue dress that is just a few inches away from my feet. I wore a sandals and a fedora hat before going out of my room. I didn't feel like driving the car in the house so I decided to walk.

It's more relaxing to walk in the streets of Spain than to ride in a car. At least I get to have some fresh air. While walking, I couldn't help but to smile at the great architectural designs in this place. In every corner, there are things that'll surely be in your interests.

Barcelona can never really go wrong.

"Kendra, it's great to see you." Courtney said and kissed my cheeks.

I did the same and roamed my eyes at the table. Courtney must have sensed who I was looking for and she gestured me to seat.

"He's not with me." Courtney said and sipped on her tea.

What? I even hoped to see him here. Courtney even delivered the news to me with glee. How come that he is not here?

"I thought you were going here with him?" I asked and called the waiter to serve me some coffee.

"Change of plans. We broke up." Courtney said as if it was a normal thing. On the other hand, I was shocked at what she said.

What in the freaking hell? Did I hear that right? Why and when did they broke up? They looked okay before I left for Spain. That's too upsetting but it is their relationship anyway. I don't have a say in it. 

"That quickly?" I asked and she smiled. "It was long enough...and it was a mutual decision."

"I thought you'll last forever. You look great, you know." I pointed out and said thank you to the waiter who served my coffee.

"The guy has been in love with you for years. I told him it was better for us to split up if he's still has feelings for you." Courtney pointed out and my mouth went open because of that.

"Harry liked me?" I asked and she nodded.

I didn't even have the slightest idea that Harry could like me. We're like the best of friends! And if ever he loves me, I just simply think that it will be platonic. Nothing more than that.

"He did. He was just unaware about it." Courtney said before giving me a reassuring look.

Gosh. I feel guilty about their breakup. It's making me feel like it was my fault why they ended up splitting with each other.

"You don't have to look at me with pity. I'm alright, honey." Courtney said and I just returned her with a smile.

If Courtney says that she is okay, then she is. I don't want to pry and poke my nose too much. When she is ready to tell me her problems, then I will listen. But if she doesn't want to talk about it, I'm fine with it tok.

"So are we going around Spain?" I asked and she now looked enthusiastic.

Her expression transitioned in a very fast way. It's clear that she is masking up the sadness. But just like what I said, if she's ready to tell me, she will. Seeing how she is avoiding the topic means that she doesn't want to talk about it. That is enough for me to understand.

"Can you be my tour buddy? I don't think I can handle myself just fine." she stated..

"Sure! I'd gladly tour you around Barcelona." I enthusiastically replied and we both finished our drinks before we left the coffee shop.

We decided to walk around rather than taking a cab. It's more refreshing this way. I also want to at least let Courtney experience some fresh air. She needs it.

Even though she doesn't say it, I know she went here in Barcelona to unwind at the same time. Maybe take a break off. I witnessed her relationship with Harry and it wasn't that easy to forget. I bet she is hurting inside. I should be a good cousin slash best friend and give her a great time while she is here. She deserves all the happiness in the world.

"So, what happened with Zachary?" Courtney asked and I stopped to look at her.

I had already told her about what happened with Zachary and I. She needed to know about it so I had no choice but spill the beans. Besides, Courtney already had a hunch regarding my relationship with Zachary. She's just always right when it comes to her intuitions.

"Dad was furious. He found out that Zachary tried to visit me the day before my discharge. That's why we're here." I said as if it was a normal thing.

"Haven't you ever thought of disobeying your father?" Courtney said and I laughed at that.

I could never even confront him due to my incapability of going against him. Answering him in a rude way is one thing but disobeying him is another thing. I don't want to ever cross that line.

"I mean, Uncle Ken is like the best dad out there but this is too much. Don't you think?" she asked and it made a little sense.

"He's still my father, Courtney. Never in the world did I imagine to really go against him. This is the first time he did this anyway." I told her to appease her determination with me going against Dad.

"Being it the first doesn't mean you just have to endure. Think about it."

I just flashed a smile to put an end to this topic. Right now, I just don't have the energy. But when I finally get all of the courage, I'll surely be able to finally fight for myself. Stand up for myself just like a true strong and brave woman I am aspiring to be.

"That building's so gorgeous! What's the name of that?" Courtney asked and pointed at something.

I looked at it and grinned. I fixed the hat I was wearing before gearing myself for a whole lot of talking.

I'm the appointed tour guide for today, might as well give Courtney the best vacation of her life.

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