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"Red, what are my appointments this week?"

Red flicked over a few pages before looking at me. It was already nearing eight o'clock but I was still here in the company. I mean eight o'clock is still early but for me, it's not. I usually leave the office at around seven and I sleep before 8:30 in the evening which I won't be able to do today.

"You only have three appointments for this week, Madame. All of it on Monday."

"Are they for big people?" I quickly catechized, hoping that those appointments weren't for major people that are all uncongenial for my head. Major clients tend to be so irritating and they're fond of bragging about themselves. I never really got used to them.

"They're minor clients, Madame. You don't have to torment yourself about it. I can see your uneasiness from this distance, Madame. Please calm yourself." she politely informed and smiled.

"If you're table is empty you can already go home, Red. Just inform the guard that I'm still here, I don't want to be stuck on the elevator again because they already turned the power off in the building."

I grimaced upon remembering that unfortunate moment in my life. It was about eleven o'clock and I was about to go home after a tiring day when the elevator suddenly stopped and the lights went out. Imagine my fear when thst happened. I almost got a heart attack that day.

"I'll do as what I was told, Madame. You won't be needing to call me in the middle of night to inform the guards to turn the power back on. Good night." she muttered and bowed slightly before leaving my office.

When I heard the door closing, I sighed. I'll wrap it up today and leave the office after reading one last report. Gosh, I should have studied invention in college so that I'll be able to build a reading robot. In that way, I won't need to read these reports everyday. A robot can read it for me. I wish things were that easy.

With a frown in my face, I answered my phone who was noisily ringing and ringing. "Hello?"

"Hello to you too, sis. Are you still in your office?" Kendrick's brotherly voice asked and a faint voice of two people can be heard from the background. Is he at home?

"Yes, I am. Do you need something? I asked while my fingers where busy flipping the pages of this thick report from one of the employees.

"Dad requested your presence for tonight's dinner. Can you come?" His worried voice had emerged and I can imagine his brows creased right now.

"I'll go. Tell Dad that I'll be there briskly." I slammed the paperworks on the table and fixed my suit before ending the call. I guess it's time to go home.

With my car remote in my hand, I walked my way out of the building. The guard greeted me a good night and so did I. I clicked the remote and my car opened. Cascading down the parking lot towards the exit, it was a nice way to wrap up my office hours.

Just as what I told Kendrick over the phone, I arrived briskly. When I stepped outside the car, I rose an eyebrow. Did Mom changed the lights outside the mansion? Why do they seem brighter than before?

The lights seemed to accentuated the details of the exterior of the mansion. They do appear more vibrant to the eyes and it makes the mansion look elegant and luxurious. Mom really has a good eye for everything. I'm agreeing to that.

One of our chauffeurs was waiting for me on the entrance of the mansion's parking lot. I went out and gave him my car remote before I walked my way to the entrance. The living room welcomed me and I saw the different pairs of couches. Mom must have replaced a few furnitures. I see how bored she is today.

I didn't dare to go to the dining room looking like this. I was a mess and I feel sticky all over. Besides, I know the maid already announced my arrival to my father. They always do.

After entering my room, I quickly took a shower. I can't make father wait. Well he wasn't a strict father to start with but I still feel uncomfortable whenever I make him wait for me. I just feel like it's disrespectful.

Clad in casual clothes, I went down to the dining room. I kissed my parents' cheeks before settling on the chair in front of my brother.

"You seemed to be tired, darling. Are you having a hard time?" Dad broke the silence and I smiled

"I'm holding on, Dad. Don't worry about me, I'll manage." I had to put an end to that conversation because I wasn't feeling good. I had worked all day and I don't want to talk about work again at home.

"How about me Dad? You won't ask about my company?" my brother interfered and shot a smile to my father. Dad smiled but glared at him right away.

"Why should I ask when I already know the state of your company? You put up a casino in Vegas despite the fact that I voiced out my dislike about it? I told you to just drop that line of business and focus on your shipping agency." my Dad uttered and dismay was very noticeable in his tone.

"Come on Dad. I promise that I won't do anything stupid. As what you always say. I'll promise to do everything to make my casino be at the top of the business world." my brother bragged and promised an empty future. He really tend to count his chickens before they hatch.

I rolled my eyes at my brother and he just smiled at me. No matter how much Dad stops him from doing anything stupid, he still gets his way. He's a hopeless case and even our grandfather who was known to be the most strict business man gave up on him.

"Don't promise me, son. Do it." Dad said with full of conviction and he continued to eat while my brother frowned at his direction.

"By the way honey, our main branch in the West had a great loss of income this past few months. I wanted to personally go there to investigate what is going on." my Mom said and my Dad looked at her discouragingly

"You can't, honey. Remember that we will be going to Hong Kong to meet Mr. Yu. You should be there with me."  my Dad reminded and Mom threw a worried expression.

"What are we going to do about it?" my Mom asked and they both looked at my brother who is currently eating his dinner.

He dropped the spoon and fork in a way that they created a clicking sound resonating in the dining room. He bit his lips and looked at our parents in a daunt way.

"I can't go there. I'll be going to Dubai for our hotel branch remember? Dad assigned me to go there. Ask Kendra instead." he said and continued eating without even looking at our parents again.

I sighed without much choice. I want to wrangle Kendrick's neck right now to get my revenge. He always do this! Passing over the work to me because he has something else to do. Old habits die hard.

"My plate is empty this week. I can go there" I told them and Mom's face brightened. I can't refuse because if I did, Mom will be worried. I hste it when she does.

"Thank you, Kendra. I'm so thankful that I have a daughter like you." my Mom and said and they continue eating. After that, the dinner finished and we went to our rooms. I was lying on my bed when someone knocked.

"Come in." I said before my door opened and I saw my Mom. She was now eearing her nightdress and I can see that she just came out fresh from the bath.

"I just wanted to remind you about the party for tomorrow. Feel free to wesr anything, darling." her motherly voice stroke my hesrt and I feel at peace.

I really like it whenever Mom comes here to my bedroom for some quality time. She always sweeps my worries away every time she talks to me. I think that's her power. Her mere existence is where I pull my energy. She's the reason why I'm here.

"I can see your eyes, darling. You already know my solicitude about your life, right? I'm always here to listen."

Mom gestured me to sit on the couch where she was sitting too. I did what she told me to do and Mom guided my head to her shoulders.

"Shall we talk it over, darling?" Mom inquired and I smiled knowing that she's here. I'm thankful that she's my Mom.

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