What Hurt's The Most....

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Guys, I don't know if i'll handle this situation from today anymore. I found out what REALLY happen to the schedule...Smh. Still I'm more upset about being at a new school with complete strangers. I even put this song up here that describes me. However, @Thriller had something to discuss with you all about. I've been thinking since you all love Uncle Jesse so much. Why not write a love fanfic about him? I read one and it was actually good.

Leave 20 comments plz of yes or no if you want me to write a story about Uncle Jesse? 😘😙😚😉

I did had someone to give me some advice and be on look out for total fakers in this world.  @doritos2016 thanks to her I knew this feeling since 2014. It continues to play with me when I try to stop it. Sometimes when I'm like this I could hear the voices in my head that cause me pain and heartbreaking discoveries that I knew would never end. For what I believe it's like a faded scenery I'm in. My friends back home miss me and I cry just to think about them. So if you will let me know what I can do next month maybe for Jesse. Okay? Peace!

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