💌The Wedding💌

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Part 3!

Sorry I updated this so long like...in August I think.


You and the others were worried about Jesse not going to make it back. DJ was doing her video for class about what an wedding is like for couples.

"So _____, how much would like to say to uncle jesse? "She asked.

"Jesse I hope your alright. If you are...I am going to kill you." You scowled for the stupidity of his actions. Even on your wedding!

"It would be nice to have a sandwich. I'm starving." Joey whined.

"Joey, do you need a hug?" Danny opened his arms for his buddy to hug him.

"No thanks. I'm not feeling it." Joey said.

That's when the telephone rang and Michelle went to answer it.

"_____, it's uncle jesse! "She said.

You hurried to the phone answering it as if you heard that Jesse was behind bars.

"Guys,  you need to stall the wedding as you can. I have an adventure that awaits me." You said as you ran out the door to save your love.

"Go get him super girl." Danny said.

To be continued....

Will Jesse get out of prison? Is the wedding going to be a happily ever after? Read until I update next time to find out! Piece!😎😍😘

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