Aomine Daiki

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"He plays just like how he used to play." - Momoi Satsuki

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"I can't believe just how reckless you have been!" Riko frowned at Tamaki even as the entire Seirin team made their way towards the Rising Sun restaurant. Ever since the first time when they have gone there after their practice game against Kaijo High, the Seirin basketball team have been regulars there, frequenting the restaurant on those days when they have practiced late into the night, and also for their usual celebration wins. "You are lucky that it's just a bad sprain! What do you think will happen if you'd destroyed that hand of yours?"

It had taken the rest of the Seirin basketball team at least ten minutes before they could manage to leave the locker room of the gymnasium where they just had two straight matches against two of the three kings of Tokyo. And even then, some of them were still staggering on their feet rather like zombies. Fukuda and Furihata actually have to carry Kagami part of the way to the restaurant, as the redhead had overdone it during the match against Shutoku, and could barely walk by himself.

"Midorima-kun had already given me quite a lecture. You don't have to add onto it." Tamaki told Riko tiredly. What is it with all the people around her acting like mother hens all of a sudden, or rather, like mama bears? "Yes, I know how stupid it was of me, and yes, I know how reckless I had been."

"Pull a stunt like that again, and I'll be tripling your training, Tamaki-chan." Riko told the teal haired girl dangerously. The faces of the boys behind the coach paled drastically at this. The brunette coach then slid opened the door of the Rising Sun restaurant, immediately causing the warm aroma and delicious smells inside to waft out. "Excuse me!"

There are several customers inside the small restaurant, as they are all currently taking shelter from the rain outside, and more than a few tables had okonomiyaki cooking at it.

"Welcome!" Yuki greeted, face breaking into a warm smile as she recognised Seirin. "Tama-chan! So I've heard about the match from Kise-kun. Congratulations on your win." She told the team. Her face then broke into a small frown as she spotted the bandage around Tamaki's right wrist. "Tama-chan…" She drawled dangerously.

Tamaki nearly groaned. She doesn't need another lecture from her aunt on top of everything! Aunt Yuki can be the nicest person on earth, but she is downright scary when she gets mad! Her cousin definitely didn't get his sadism from his father. "Aunt Yuki, I've already had enough lectures for the day. And yes, I know how stupid I had been!"

Yuki huffed. "Well, I'll save the lectures for later then," she said. She then turned towards the rest of the basketball team. "Well, as you can see, I've got quite a full house here today because of the storm outside. Thus, you might have to separate into different groups…"

Kagami who was looking around the restaurant, marvelling at the number of occupied tables, gawked just then at a table where a certain blonde and his captain were both seated at, both currently feasting on their okonomiyaki. It is a new menu item that Tamaki's aunt had added to her restaurant's menu just last month, and surprisingly, it had turned out pretty popular.

"Kise and Kasamatsu?" Kagami gawked.

"Hey! No honorifics?" Kasamatsu demanded.

"Hey." Kise grinned.

"What are you both doing here?" Kagami demanded.

"Well, as you can see, we're here to eat." Kise said sarcastically, gesturing towards the food on their table. "Furthermore, the Generation of Miracles have always been regulars here ever since our Teiko days."

"Because of Tamaki?" Kagami asked even as Riko, along with most of the team, were led over to the tables on the platform.

"Well, that too…" Kise grinned with amusement. He had guessed as much that Tamaki had never told Seirin that her cousin is the captain of the Generation of Miracles. The teal haired girl had that habit of never talking about something if no one had asked her. "Tamacchi, come sit here!" He called out to the teal haired girl. "There isn't enough seats, right?"

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