Days of the Past

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"Because they changed. He changed." - Kuroko Tamaki

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Kagami who was hiding behind a corner, just behind a fence, simply could not bring himself to interrupt Kise and Tamaki's conversation the moment that he had heard the words out of Tamaki's mouth. He knew that it's wrong, eavesdropping on the two former teammates like this, but he simply couldn't help himself. And the redhead giant had a feeling that Tamaki most probably wouldn't be too pleased with him should she catch him.

And if truth be told, Kagami is kind of curious too.

About the Generation of Miracles, Tamaki's basketball, about the famous Teiko basketball club, and about the strength of the Generation of Miracles themselves. Just what is basketball to them?

"The history…of the Teiko Basketball Club?" Kise echoed slowly, and Tamaki nodded.

"Sei and I grew up together, and only the Generation of Miracles knew that we're cousins." Tamaki begun.

Kise nodded at this. "I know that," he replied. "I remember wondering for some time when I was in the second string why is it that he is so overly friendly with you, and the others didn't even seem to care, when they turned on their famous glares to any of the other players who tried to hit on you. He especially was particularly ferocious." Kise chuckled, remembering his first days with the Teiko basketball club as a member of the Generation of Miracles.

"When Sei's parents were still…together—" Tamaki said carefully, trying not to use the word 'divorce'. "—and when my parents were still…around—" Tamaki looked sad at this. "—they were often busy, and thus, both Sei and I were often left in Aunt Yuki's restaurant. But as she had a business to run then, it isn't like she can take care of us. Thus, Sei and I often spent our time playing rounds of basketball at the nearby court by ourselves." She glanced over at the nearby street basketball court, and Kagami has to duck to prevent himself from getting discovered by his particularly observant teammate. "At that time, we were around five or six years old then. That's where we started basketball, and where our love for the game stemmed from."

"Street basketball." Kise stated, and Tamaki nodded.

"Unlike Midorima-kun, Kise-kun and even Murasakibara-kun, we didn't start off playing 'official basketball'. The basketball that Sei and I learned is from street basketball. In other words, a game with no rules and no limits. That's where Sei and I both developed our play styles from."

Kise was silent for several moments, remembering the fearsome play style of the captain of the Generation of Miracles. It isn't as elegant as Midorima, or as feral as Aomine, and neither is it an absolute style of defence and blocking like Murasakibara, but it is still fearsome on its own.

Japan's strongest point guard, Akashi Seijuro.

Even Tamaki's play style before she had developed her misdirection style…

In the sport of basketball, it is difficult to circulate shots or passes when you are moving, especially at high speeds, yet Tamaki can do it with no problem at all. Most people have assumed by now that the nickname of 'the phantom player' had come about after Tamaki had started developing her misdirection style. But in actual fact, it had already come about even before it.

Her original play style utilises speed.

In other words, Tamaki is moving so quickly that shots are made and passes are circulated even before the opposing team realises what is going on. Her own team also has to pay close attention to the ball as well, or they could very well miss a pass made by Tamaki.

Princess of Miracles (Kuroko no Basuke FanFic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin