Beyond the Skies

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“The phantom sixth player of the Generation of Miracles is the real deal.” - Kise Ryota

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The first half was even worse than Tamaki had anticipated.

The saying that starving beasts are the most dangerous has some truth to it definitely. Whatever that Shutoku and Midorima-kun have been doing to themselves ever since their loss to Seirin during the Inter High put aside, they are all clearly in top form and good shape, since every single one of their players went after Seirin like a shark after blood. 

During the previous match against Shutoku, they have underestimated Seirin severely, thus that being part of the reason why Seirin had managed to clinch a victory over them. This time around, it is clear here that Shutoku is facing them seriously, showing them the same respect that they’ve shown to veteran teams.

The Shutoku captain, Otsubo seems fairly determined to stop Kiyoshi from scoring and getting the rebounds, as he is wherever Kiyoshi is. And it’s not just Otsubo either. It is clear that Shutoku had a plan for this revenge match, as each and every single one of their players have their own Seirin player to mark.

And it is also clear that asides from Shutoku, even the Seirin players have been polishing their own skills and abilities during the break that they have before the preliminaries of the Winter Cup.

While his Eagle Eye isn’t as profound as Takao’s, Izuki is no slouch either, and had guarded Takao every chance that he got, much to Takao’s annoyance. Kagami and Midorima on the other hand have ignored everyone else on the court and focused only on each other, pushing their bodies to the limits with the amount of super three pointers and jumps that they did. 

But as always, Kagami never seemed to bother about restraint and gave his all, thus dragging the rest of the team along with him for the ride. Tamaki gave a low groan to herself even as she scanned her eyes up and down Kagami’s body, seeing his legs shaking. 

It is almost a miracle in itself that Kagami hadn’t injured himself severely yet, with just how reckless that he had been in almost every single match that they have played so far, particularly the ones that involved her former teammates.

And apparently, Midorima-kun is of the same opinion even as the buzzer went off for the end of the second quarter.

“Looks like you’re at your limit.” Midorima commented coldly.

Kagami’s eye twitched dangerously. “What did you say?”

 Next to Riko, Tamaki frowned to herself. 

She hasn’t seen much changes in Shutoku’s strategy, compared to the last time when they have faced them. The only noticeable changes here is the fact that each Shutoku player seems rather determined to mark a Seirin player – thus playing a form of defense play that Seiho is known for. 

It is like they’re alternating between offense and defense. But defense play isn’t something that Shutoku is used to, which is clear in the match, as the defense is remarkably shaky. Similar to Touou, they’re an offense team that uses power. But against Seirin’s run-and-gun style, it is going to be tough to figure out a clear outcome for the match.

Just like their previous match, it is going to depend on just which team that Lady Luck is smiling at.

Up in the bleachers, Kise Ryota who had been present ever since the beginning of the match frowned to himself, not really liking how the match is going for Seirin.

He of course is rooting for his former instructor’s team, and not to mention that he has a form of tentative friendship going on with Kagami. But it looks like the victor of this match won’t be that easily concluded, especially with the balance of the match tilting either way with every moment.

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