Tears of Summer

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“She’ll be fine now.” - Akashi Seijuro

* * * *

Kuroko Tamaki stared out of the classroom window, barely listening to the lecture even as the History teacher droned on and on about some samurai during the Edo era. Even without looking, Tamaki knew that half her classmates were barely listening, with the other half probably already halfway to la-la-land.

Their minds were already in holiday mood.

It was a week to the start of the summer holidays after all.

Their coach had gathered the entire basketball team the day after they’ve watched the match between Touou and Kaijo, and had informed them that she’ll be scheduling some special training for them during the summer break.

The moment that they’ve heard the words ‘special training’ come out of their coach’s mouth, the entire basketball team paled. It never bodes well whenever you put ‘training’ and ‘Riko’ in the same sentence.

Not even Tamaki knew what Riko had in mind, but judging by the devious glint in the brunette girl’s eyes, Tamaki knew that it isn’t going to be anything good.

Also coincidentally, the school’s summer cultural festival will also be held the week before their break for the summer holidays. Tamaki’s class had decided to hold a café during the festival, along with putting on a play for the parents that will be coming to their festival.

Right now however, Tamaki’s mind was barely on anything school related even as she stared out at the gloomy and dark skies that seem to be threatening rain.

‘What a desolate day.’ Tamaki sighed inwardly to herself. ‘I can’t get into anything at all.’ She thought absent-mindedly, twirling her pen in between the fingers of her right hand as she did so. ‘We have until the end of the summer holidays to get ready for the Winter Cup. Will we be in time?’ She wondered, glancing at her left wrist.

“The Winter Cup will be interesting. I’ll crush them all. This winter will be war. Against the Generation of Miracles.”

The school bell went off just then, and there were sighs of relief from Tamaki’s classmates, as it meant that they could finally go home.

“All right. This will be it for today.” Their History teacher told them, closing the History textbook with a light snap. “Just because it will be the summer holidays doesn’t mean that you should slack off! Remember to do your homework and do some revision over the holidays, as there will be a quiz once you get back!”

There were loud groans at that. Tamaki stifled a small smile as she packed her books and stuff into her bag. She then pulled out her phone to check for any messages or calls that she might have missed whilst she is in class, and the eyes of the teal haired girl widened a slight fraction when she saw the date reflected on the screen of her phone.

“Oi Tamaki!” The loud boisterous voice of her teammate and friend caused Tamaki to turn around. “I know that basketball practice is cancelled for the week as we’re all busy with the preparations for the cultural festival, but do you want to get some training in with me?” Kagami asked.

“Sorry. Not today.” Tamaki apologised, chucking the last of her things into her bag. “I got something on today. See you around.”

* * * *

In Touou Academy, Aomine Daiki cracked opened his eyes as he felt the light drizzle of rain falling gently onto his face only to be met with the dark and gloomy clouds converging the skies.

‘It’s raining, huh?’ Aomine grumbled, sitting up and rubbing his eyes, not caring in the least that the rain is falling onto him. ‘I should go in.’ He groaned as he got to his feet, his muscles still aching from his match with Kise. Satsuki had been unusually concerned about his muscle aches and pains after the Touou versus Kaijo match, but Aomine had merely shrugged it off as Satsuki being…Satsuki.

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