I Won't Let You Win

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"Sometimes, you not only have to protect your teammates' physical well-being, but also their feelings." - Kuroko Tamaki

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The buzzer signalling the beginning of the second half of the game between Seirin and Kirisaki Dai Ichi rang a little too soon for some people's liking, and the starting players of Seirin and Kirisaki Dai Ichi were soon making their way back to the court, with a severely battered Kiyoshi Teppei amongst them.

Some members of the audience were a little worried for his health, as unlike the obviously blind referee, nearly all of them could see that Kiyoshi had been jostled about and had suffered more injuries and bruises than the rest of his team put together.

Seirin gained possession of the ball almost immediately, with the ball changing hands several times before it landed in Tamaki's possession. Several of Seirin's past opponents recognised it for what it was. If Kuroko Tamaki is holding the ball for longer than a few moments and isn't passing it to any of her teammates, then there is only one reason why.

"Here comes the Vanishing Drive!" Wakamatsu is a little too excited for his teammates' liking the moment that he saw Tamaki gaining possession of the ball.

Tamaki was the only one on the entire Seirin team who noticed the glints that appeared in the eyes of the Kirisaki Dai Ichi players even as Hara elbowed Yamazaki out of the way roughly, and her eye twitched slightly. So they not only injured their opponents, but their own teammates as well?


Hara was quick to guard Tamaki, certain that his guess about the trick behind the Vanishing Drive is right. And unfortunately for poor Kirisaki Dai Ichi, Tamaki is pissed not just with their much esteemed captain, but with their entire team. And like how all past Teiko opponents who had unintentionally pissed them off can tell them, once you piss off a Teiko regular-whether it be past or present, you'll be in for Hell.

And Kuroko Tamaki is rather determined to humiliate them in the worst way possible.

"What's wrong, Tamaki?" Koganei wondered on the bench. "Do the drive already!"

Yamazaki was quick to swoop in for the kill, ready to steal the ball, certain that Tamaki can't do the drive. Unfortunately for him, he never noticed the slight tilt of her lips, and before he even knew what is going on, Tamaki was behind both Yamazaki and Hara.

"Tamaki!" Kagami roared, running for the net.

Tamaki tossed the ball up towards the net, neatly bypassing a Kirisaki Dai Ichi player. With a loud roar, Kagami leapt up towards the ball, using Tamaki's shoulders as a springboard to boost his jumping height, and he then promptly dunk the ball into the net.

There were loud cheers from both the audience and Seirin's bench.

"Nice!" Hyuuga grinned. "Nice work, Kagami, Tamaki."

"Thanks." Kagami grinned back as he bumped fists with their captain.

"Don't you think it's a bit much to jump over someone?" Tamaki mock pouted at her partner.

"What?" Kagami scowled. "You're the one who passed like that." He pointed out.

Meanwhile, Kirisaki Dai Ichi was in shock. For a moment, they thought that they could shut down that annoying drive.

"Don't you go for the drive when your opponent blinks?" Yamazaki demanded, and Tamaki looked at him with an odd look that suggested that he had just grown two new heads.

"Really? First that I've heard of it." Tamaki deadpanned.

"This is different from what you told us!" Yamazaki yelled at Hara who was looking away, more interested in blowing his bubble gum.

Princess of Miracles (Kuroko no Basuke FanFic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin