Revenge Counter

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"It is psychological warfare at its finest." - Kashitori Kenta

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Tamaki looked pretty annoyed even as Touou uses a man-on-man full court defence on Seirin, with her mark being none other than the captain of Touou.

Honestly, Imayoshi Shoichi is pretty similar to herself and her cousin. He hides the truth in his words behind half-truths and honeyed words. And it is people like him that are often the most dangerous as one can never really tell what it is that they're thinking.

"Now then, what are you planning this time?" Imayoshi smiled. "I'm not letting you get away from me. And as long as you can't move, Seirin has no other trump cards to play."

Imayoshi opened his eyes slightly, recalling Momoi's words during half time earlier—that Kuroko Tamaki is a dangerous opponent. There is a reason why Kuroko Tamaki and Akashi Seijuro are the two leaders of the Generation of Miracles after all.

"...I am really being underestimated, aren't I?" Tamaki muttered, looking quite annoyed even as she met Imayoshi's eyes. "I've said it before, and I'll said this again: it is true that I don't particularly care about being called one of the Generation of Miracles—and to start with, it isn't like we called ourselves that. But I won't just stand by and let you humiliate my team once more." Tamaki narrowed her eyes, and Imayoshi froze, as he felt cold, and felt almost fearful even as he met Kuroko Tamaki's eyes head on. What is this feeling? "Do you know why Teiko's Generation of Miracles is called the most fearful team, and why teams and players everywhere fear to even face us on the court?" Imayoshi froze as he felt as if all the breath in his body went out, and all the sounds around him were muted out. "...I'll teach you."

A certain orange orb flew in between the two players just then, and with a quick tap pass, Tamaki passed it towards Izuki who is just standing nearby. "You're really underestimating Seirin, aren't you?" Izuki demanded with a scowl. "I admit that Touou is a fearful team, and Aomine is a complete monster in his own right. But you aren't the only team out there that has a member of the Generation of Miracles. Imayoshi-san, do you remember what Tamaki is known for back in middle school, and what she could do?"

Imayoshi narrowed his eyes before his eyes widened when he remembered just what it is that the only girl in the Generation of Miracles could do, and he turned towards the rest of his teammates on the court. "Don't take your eyes off your marks!"

Too late.

Imayoshi felt as if all the air in him had just went out, and he froze even as he met a pair of cold blue eyes. He couldn't even bring it in himself to move, and his legs almost felt like lead.

That moment is all that Izuki needs. To Touou's bewildered eyes, and even that of the rest of the audience, it is like Izuki simply vanished from one spot, appearing to another spot instantly.

The ball went into the net instantly, earning Seirin another two points.

* * * *

"You've gotta be kidding me!" Miyaji let out several curses even as he watched the match currently going on below him, his eyes wide with shock and astonishment. "What kind of skill is that, and how is it even possible?"

"Shin-chan?" Takao glanced at Midorima who doesn't seem as confused as the rest of them. And neither is the green head's old Teiko coach.

"Even I've only seen it once." Midorima admitted, eyes glued onto the match, his mind wandering to the match that they had against the old Teiko Basketball Team when they have challenged the seniors to the right of a varsity team back when all of them were still freshmen. "The skill that I've seen back then isn't as strong and powerful, but..." He trailed off slowly.

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