Training Camp From Hell

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“Aren’t you the one denying yourself?” - Kashitori Kenta

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Weekends for the Seirin basketball team are usually used for relaxation before they have to go back to their usual hellish training by their demon coach. It is only a few of the training freaks in the team like Kagami and Tamaki who will even spend the weekends training too, even though they’re really supposed to rest.

Thus, on a Saturday morning, one could find Kuroko Tamaki standing on the front steps of her door, staring at a certain tanned boyfriend of hers, with her dog sitting just next to her foot, tail wagging happily.

Aomine Daiki was grinning at her in his usual cheeky manner – one that she hadn’t seen since middle school, and he is currently sitting atop a sleek dark blue and white motorcycle. Tamaki raised an eyebrow at this sight, before she sighed.

“I’m surprised that you’re already up at this hour,” she deadpanned. Aomine usually only got up a little past noon. The boy can literally fall asleep anywhere. “And what’s with the bike?”

“Well, I got my license last week.” Aomine grinned. “So… Want a ride?”

Tamaki sighed before shrugging, lifting Aoi gently. “Well, I guess so. I’m heading towards Teiko for a visit. Do you want to come with me?”

* * * *

“It seems almost like years since we were back here. It’s difficult to think that it’s only been a few months.” Aomine mused as the two walked into the school courtyard of Teiko after reporting to the security outpost.

“Yeah well…” Tamaki sighed, heading into the direction of the four gyms that were allotted for the usage of the Teiko basketball team. It almost feels nostalgic; like she’s back in middle school again, and heading for club practice.

It may be a Saturday, but Tamaki knew that the first string and second string players of Teiko generally trains on Saturdays as well. And the teal haired girl is kind of curious to see just how well that the basketball team has fared with the graduation of the Generation of Miracles. The current first string regulars are their successors after all.

Even if they’re no longer in Teiko, Tamaki knew her former teammates well enough to know that they will not be pleased in the least if the new regulars should drag the name of Teiko through the mud, like what Haizaki had done back during their first year. The fact that Haizaki kept committing fouls and has a tendency to play violent basketball isn’t the only reason why Akashi had forced the gray haired teen to quit the club.

There were several other reasons attached to it, though the last straw came when the Generation of Miracles caught Haizaki trying to force himself on Tamaki during their second year. Aomine had actually punched Haizaki in the nose so hard that the tanned teen nearly fractured the bones in his right hand, and Haizaki actually broke his nose.

Aomine chuckled as they got nearer to the first gym where the first and second string members usually practiced. It is really like they’re back in Teiko all over again, since this is the usual route that they usually took to get to the gym.

“How nostalgic,” he mused, almost as if reading Tamaki’s mind. “It is almost like middle school all over again. It’s difficult to believe that it’s only less than a year since we’ve graduated. And by the way…” Aomine glanced at Tamaki. “Why did you come to Teiko all of a sudden? I know that Akashi had been talking about a visit one of these days, but he wasn’t planning for a visit until after the Winter Cup.”

Tamaki said nothing for several moments. “…It’s just… I feel like something is missing in my basketball,” she said at last. “After the match with your team, it feels like something is missing.” She looked at Aomine. “Back in Teiko, you and the others guarded me all that you could whilst I’m on the court, so I never have to worry more than just passing the ball. But this time, it’s different. That’s why…” She looked at her left wrist. “I’m taking it back. My old style. And I’ll create a new one from it.”

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