The Winter Cup

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"You're pretty versatile. You can basically be anything that the team needs. That's what the specialist of the team – the sixth player is." - Aida Kagetora

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All of Seirin minus Kagami found themselves in the indoor basketball court of the Aida Gym the next morning after they've left the hot springs' inn where they had been relaxing in the previous day, save for their run-in with Touou Academy.

Tamaki was silent even as their coach's father who will be training them until their next match against Touou introduced himself. Kagami had cornered her the previous night just before they have gone to bed, informing her that he'll be gone until the Winter Cup begins.

"I had a teacher who taught me how to play basketball when I was in America." Kagami told Tamaki seriously even as the two lounged in the rest area of the inn. "I'm thinking of going back home for some time to train under her once more." He confessed.

Tamaki raised an eyebrow at her partner. "It isn't like you," she said bluntly. "Is there a reason for this?"

"Well... I guess so." Kagami mumbled, scratching at his cheek. "I was basically useless against that...Aomine the last time when we had faced Touou. And meeting him and Touou again..." He trailed off slowly. "It has been six months since the Inter High. It is true that Seirin had grown stronger. But at the same time, Touou has too. If I want to even stand a chance against Aomine, I need to get more training. I need to get stronger." He stared at his clenched fist. "As of now, I am the only one on our entire team who even stands a chance against him. And this time, you will be on the court too." He grinned at Tamaki who smiled back. "I'll be back in time." He promised. "Then we can beat Touou and Aomine together."

"Anyway..." Kagetora cleared his throat. "Start by taking your shirts off."

"Except for Tamaki-chan!" Riko cut in hastily, seeing the eager eyes of her team on the only female player in their midst. Next to her, her father seem rather surprised at seeing Tamaki, and there is even a hint of recognition in his eyes as he laid eyes on the only female Seirin player.

"This seems rather familiar..." Koganei mumbled even as the boys start peeling off their shirts, thus standing half-naked in front of their temporary coach even as Kagetora eyed each of them carefully.

"Well, you're not bad." Kagetora said at last. "You seem to have been keeping up with Riko's training since this summer. Your stamina and muscles show balanced improvement." He stated. "Anyway, split into two groups." He said suddenly, much to their surprise. "And go play cops and robbers in those mountains for about three hours." He pointed outside the window where they could faintly see the outlines of mountains just beyond it.


"Just go!" Kagetora barked. "Except for you." He added, looking at Tamaki who looked faintly surprised. "I want to talk to you. The rest of you, scat!" He ordered.

Still rather confused, the Seirin players all filed out of the gym, with more than one of them giving Tamaki curious looks. Finally, as the doors of the gym slammed shut behind them, thus leaving only Kagetora, Riko and Tamaki behind, silence reigned for several moments.

"I'll go and keep an eye on them." Riko volunteered, seeing that the upcoming conversation between her father and Tamaki seem to be rather private, and she then left the gym as well.

Kagetora was the first one to break the silence. "Is Kenta doing well?" he asked at last, much to Tamaki's surprise and slight confusion.

"You know him?" Tamaki asked, surprised.

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