Hanamiya Makoto

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“If they’d been born in another era, they may have been called the Generation of Miracles.” - Hyuuga Junpei 

* * * * 

The buzzer went off, signalling the end of the match between Shutoku and Suginami.

While a good team, Suginami is simply no match for Shutoku who had a member of the Generation of Miracles on their side, and thus, was slaughtered by them with a score of 151-49.

“Shutoku High advances to the championship league!” The announcer announced amidst the loud cheers from the cheerleaders on Shutoku’s side.

Takao Kazunari gave out a light sigh as he wiped the sweat from his brow with his towel. ‘With this victory, we’ll be on our way to the championship league. And if Seirin keeps up their winning streak, it will only be a matter of time before we end up facing them once more,’ he mused to himself. Takao then peek a glance at his friend who had been unusually silent only to be taken aback as he saw the dark expression on Midorima’s face. “Shin-chan?”

* * * *

Tamaki flipped through the notebook that she had with her ever since the end of the Inter High tournament that summer. More than one member of her team had been curious about what she had written in there, but the teal haired girl had guarded it zealously, and allowed no one but herself to look into the contents of the notebook. 

‘As expected, Senshinkan High advances to the championship league.’ Tamaki mused to herself, looking through the page that she had made notes on Senshinkan ever since Seirin had lost to them during the Inter High tournament. ‘And… Kirisaki Dai Ichi as well.’ A muscle twitched in Tamaki’s cheek. ‘With this, the championship league that will determine which two schools that will represent Tokyo in the Winter Cup had been decided. The four participating teams have been chosen.’

The door to the clubroom of the basketball team opened just then, and Aida Riko entered. The brunette coach was surprised to see Tamaki still in the clubroom. “Tamaki-chan, you hadn’t left?” she asked, surprised. 

“Well, I want to go over the data that I have on our future opponents in the championship league.” Tamaki explained even as Riko occupied the seat that Tamaki had just vacated even as the smaller girl walked over to the whiteboard in the clubroom. “Senshinkan, Shutoku and Kirisaki Dai Ichi.” Riko watched as Tamaki wrote the names of the three schools at the top of the whiteboard. “No matter which team that we’d drawn for our next opponent, it will be a tough match. They’re all strong teams.”

Riko said nothing for several moments even as she watched Tamaki flipping through her notebook. “It will be all right,” she said at last. “I have faith in the team. And I have faith in you. We’re a lot stronger than we have been last summer.”

Tamaki gave a small miniscule smile. “Yeah.”

* * * *

“For better or for worse, we only have three games left.” Koganei said one evening after a particularly brutal training session, even as the entire team left the school together after the janitor had chased them out of the gym.

“The Winter Cup preliminaries went by in a flash.” Furihata commented even as he peeked at the tournament bracket sheet that Fukuda was looking at.

“What are you idiots talking about?” Hyuuga barked. “It’s just the opposite. We’re just getting started.”

“Have you forgotten already?” Riko looked at the freshmen trio sternly. “Only the top eight schools out of over three hundred from the summer have been allowed to participate. In other words, the Winter Cup preliminaries began with the Inter High preliminaries. It’s one long qualifier that’s been going on since this summer.” 

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