Attack On The Mountain

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Bellamy moved through the vents as quickly as possible

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Bellamy moved through the vents as quickly as possible. His time was limited now that the acid fog was down. The Grounder army marching there way there and he had yet to release the ones inside.

After releasing his friends from the mess hall, they had split them among those who were against Cage's ways. A brunette among them had tried to fight her way into helping Bellamy but was told it'd be better if she stayed hidden.

When he arrives to the room he notices how the people inside the cages were rearranged. In the cage where Alec once was sat the girl who had spit on him.

"Get up. It's time to go. I told you I'd be back " He announces as he opens the cage. "Come on out. Our people are marching on Mount Weather right now."

He moved onto the next cage that held Alec. But when he went to pull him out the man lashed at him.

"Hey. It's okay. It's Bellamy, I'm getting you out." He spoke calmly hoping to be able yo pull him out.

But once again when he tried to pull him out Alec shook his hand off.

"Slow down. They just bleed him again." The girl beside him spoke providing an explanation.

Bellamy sighed heavily, he didn't want to push Alec but they needed to hurry so that they could fight.

"Listen to me. There is an army inside this room." Bellamy spoke to the girl. "And i need you to help me get them ready to fight. Can you do that?"

The only answer she provided was a nod of her head. If this was her chance at freedom then she would fight for it.

"Good. Help me with him." He directed as they helped Alec out of the cage.

Once he was out they went to the next cage. Just like Alec he lashed out at the sight of the guard uniform.

"It's okay. We can trust him." The girl assured the man as they helped him out.

Alec tried to shake off the symptoms he was experiencing. He knew that he had to help these two with the others.

Their actions caught the attention of all the others in the chamber. Wanting to be freed from their cages, they began to make noise hoping it would help them become free.

The noise grew louder as every second passed. The louder it got the more Bellamy feared. Getting the Grounders on the inside would help them significantly, but it wouldn't work if they got caught.

"Too much noise." He stated to the girl hoping she might be able to do something.

Quickly, she made her way toward the other cages. "If you want to be free, be quiet."

With that said the noise ceased. The girl turned back to Bellamy willing to help.

"Okay. How do we do this?" She questioned.

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