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Since he had been separated from his sister Lincoln couldn't help but feel like he failed

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Since he had been separated from his sister Lincoln couldn't help but feel like he failed. When he was little he remembered when Nia was small. She had always hang around their mother and watched as she healed others. It was one of the reasons why she became a healer. 

But one day Nia had gotten hurt their mother was in another village with other healers. It was just Lincoln with Nia and when he saw the tears cascade down her face he felt a tug inside him. Carefully he spoke to her and brought her back home. When she had calmed down and taken a nap he looked down at her and made a vow to himself.

He would always be there to protect Nia no matter what.

But now he had no clue where she was. He had failed at his one vow he had. To the only family he had. He didn't know whether she was safe or if she was unharmed.

Now he was taken by the Reapers and taken to Mount Weather. He had tried to hold on as much as he could but whatever they had given him was too much for him. He was disgusted with the fact that he had become what he didn't want to be. A monster. What would Nia do if she ever saw him?

To make matters worse he had seen Alec there during the line up but when they categorized them. Lincoln was in the Cerberus while Alec was placed in Harvest. He didn't get to see where he went, how he is, or what harvest was. Alec had been a part of Nia's life and now he was in Mount Weather suffering who knows what.

But the urgency of whatever was injected into him overpowered all of Lincoln's senses. He couldn't think beyond gathering others that he was now roaming around in a dark and silent lot. People were inside and he needed them to take them to the Mountain Men.

The shouts caught his attention and he made his way over. But it was all a trap when they proceeded to knock him unconsciousness. And during when the blackness clouded his mind all he could think of was Nia.

Her heart pounded in her chest as she quickly made her way over to where they were holding the Skikru prisoners. This plan was risky from the start but she knew that Lexa wouldn't have gone another other way. She just hoped that Lexa would be unharmed by the time she got there.

Upon arrival she noticed the warriors who went in with Lexa before. She sent a nod at Gustus and finally they descended the stairs and made their way inside. From her position behind Gustus she could see in between the bar. Lexa was being hold by the throat with a knife pointed at her.

When they entered Nia stood to the left of Gustus. Marcus's eyes flickered to her before going back to the situation at hand.

"Take off these chains." Thelonious commanded as he stared at the group.

"Thelonious, please. She's just an innocent girl." Marcus tried to reason but little did he know was that Lexa was not as innocent as she seemed.

Lexa then began speaking to the group when she noticed Nia's hand twitch to the dagger on her hip. "He made his choice. This one's mine."

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