They Took Lincoln

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A noise brought Nia's attention around to the entrance

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A noise brought Nia's attention around to the entrance. She readied her bow in case it was someone other than her brother. She let out a breath as Lincoln came into view. Nia whispered to him angrily hoping that Octavia doesn't wake any time soon.

"What did you do Lincoln?" She snapped motioning to Octavia behind her.

Lincoln didn't say anything but motioned outside. Nia glanced back at Octavia before following Lincoln out. As soon as they were out Nia began to pace around.

"Zhalia." Lincoln said softly knowing Nia had a temper. Nia glance up with an angry glare as she stared at him.

"Why? Why would you do this Lincoln? They are going to look for her. This puts us in danger." Nia said sharply. She knew that she talked to the 100 before but that was open territory, this is their home. If a search party came by they would know exactly where to find them.

"She was hurt Zhalia. She still is. I couldn't fix her there. I had to bring her back." Lincoln said "Then I went looking for you. I heard you were at the village but Anya sent you back. Zhalia tell me what happened."

"The 100 fired missiles. They burnt a village to the ground." Nia said as she recalled the scene.

Lincoln did not say a word as he pulled Nia into a hug. Nia took deep breaths not wanting to cry once more. She sniffed as she pulled away.

"How is she hurt?" Nia said wanting a subject change.

"Her knee is busted. She fell down a ravine and hit her head." Lincold told her simply.

Nia nodded before sighing. "We need to fix her. Then head to the village. Anya will want to attack for the village."

Soon the siblings were inside getting the stuff they needed ready. They heard a noise come from where Octavia laid and knew if was time. Lincoln motioned with his head but Nia shook her head. She knew if she went out there Octavia would give it away that they had met once before.

Lincoln gave her a confused look before deciding to turn and attend to Octavia. Nia could hear her let out a scream. When it became silent she decided to head out and tend to the wound. But when she stepped out she noticed that Octavia wasn't fully unconscious yet. Her eyes grew wide as Octavia spoke before passing out.

"Nia help me."

Lincoln's head whipped around and stared at Nia. Nia didn't look at him as she made her way to Octavia's side. She tended to the wound in silence. She could feel Lincoln's piercing gaze as he continued to stare at her.

When she was done she got up and went outside. She could heard Lincoln close behind her as she walked. He grabbed her arm before she could get on the horse.

"Why does she know your name Nia?" Lincoln had always called her Zhalia unless he was truly serious.

Nia sighed heavily before turning to him. "I meet her in the butterfly field. She talked to me and told me of her people. I didn't tell much about us. The only place we've ever met was the butterfly field. We've kept each other a secret. Otherwise they would have been here earlier. That girl in there is the leader's sister, he will come for her."

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