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Night had fallen and the warriors had now brought out the swords to train

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Night had fallen and the warriors had now brought out the swords to train. Nia had spent something shooting with Fox as she exchanged hushed whispers about fighting tactics.

She had searched for Octavia to give her the same advice but the girl was no where to be found. Now here she was fighting against another warrior when a shout rang through the air.

"Enough! Enough!" Indra ordered as she made her way through the group. "I hope you've saved some energy for a hunt. I'm told our hosts have no food." She informed them all.

Nia wiped the sweat that lingered on her forehead as she picked up her bow and quiver. She followed after Indra when Octavia stood in front of them.

"Time for one more?" Octavia question with confidence.

"Step aside, sky girl. We're hungry." Indra ordered as she stared down the girl.

"Make me." Octavia taunted as she knew this would make the leader bring someone to fight her. The words that Nia had said started a fire inside her. She didn't want to be seen as weak as she was among warriors. Lincoln had trained her and she felt confident enough to prove it even if she ended up falling.

"Fio. Give this girl what she wants." Indra instructed she moved aside to allow Fio to come forward. A crowd began to gather as they were anxious to see what would happen.

Fio held his sword toward the girl. The two circled around as Fio tried to taunt her into striking. Octavia was the first to strike as she swung her sword only for Fio to block it. Swings and blocks were thrown before Fio blocked her sword and rammed his knee into her side and threw her down.

Octavia panted as she to catch her breath as she rolled in the mud. "Hey, are you gonna give up that easily?" She mocked as Fio turned around.

"She wants more? Oblige her." Indra ordered as they watched Octavia stand.

This time Fio was he one to strike first as Octavia avoided his swing. She tried to hit him only for him to hit her in the back and elbow her face and a kick that sent her backwards. Octavia lied there for a moment before she turned on her stomach her eyes meeting Nia's as the older girl sent her a nod. She needed to finish this. She needed to show them how much strength she had.

"Indra. Stop this." Marcus said as he made his way forward. Nia moved in his direction as she blocked his path a little.

"She needs to do this. It will help strengthen the alliance. It has to be done." Nia said in a hushed tone so only he could hear. With that said she moved in another spot to watch.

"Finish it." Indra commanded as she looked at he girl in the mud. She wanted to test just how much more the girl was willing to go.

Fio tried to strike only for her to block him and sent punches his way. But that wouldn't knock down the warrior as he sent a final punch that sent her on her back.

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