Chapter 90: Friends

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I'm so confused about the date in this book... It's all messed up but we gon' act like it's december! sorry lol

and kaliyah is 4 months just to let yall know.... LMAOO 

Tia Aaliyah Johnson

" ben can you pass me the crushed peppers?" I asked as I reached my arm out trying not to cover anyones food. 

He reached for the crushed peppers and handed it over to me. " hea you go sis" .

" say ben, you finna be legal?" tamia asked as she took a bite of her meat lover's pizza. 

" i been legal, ya feel me?" he laughed as he took a sip of his strawberry lemonade.

" nigga can buy his own backwoods now, he don't need no mufuckin help" babyjoe shouted, causing the whole table to bust out laughing. 

" you can't buy no backwood without a ID, dumbasses" I laughed as I seasoned my pizza with the crushed peppers. 

" a bunch of dummies" Kendell laughed as he shook his head. 

We all decided to go out to eat at Rotolo's pizza since ben's birthday was around the corner and today was the perfect day to do it since the gang was back from tour. 

" kennedy let me find out you pregnant, you eating like a damn dog" boomer implied as he cringed.

" you late as hell" I laughed while shaking my head. 

The whole table instantly got silent and looked at me in suspense. " say tia, say what you just said again" ben mumbled with a mouth full of pizza. 

" yes i'm pregnant, and yes it's kd's" Kennedy bluntly shrugged causing all heads to turn towards kd. 

" aww mane, my brudda finna have a jr running round hea" babyjoe shouted, which caused strangers to rudely mug us. 

"on god yall hella weeks late. Kennedy belly bout big as hell now" tamia added. 

" can yall do me a favor?" kendell asked causing multiple heads to turn his way. 

" what is it?" me and kennedy both asked in unison. 

" keep yall fuckin legs closed, damn" He asserted back. 

Kentrell instantly started doing his goofy ole laugh. " mane that boa ken a fool" Kentrell said as he still laughed. 

" li' bro ain't lyin" babyjoe chimed in. 

" well how about yall keep yall dicks in y'all pants" I snapped as I rolled my eyes. 

" HANNNN, tell em sus" Kennedy co-signed. 

" um excuse me ma'am, can you please keep it down?" A caucasian woman asked,  as she walked over to our table. 

" yeah, sorry bout that" montana added. Seconds later the lady walked away. 

" yall a bunch of ghetto hoes, no home training at all." kd implied as he shook his head regarding the situation. 

" mane kd shutup... you the one got her pregnant. witcho waffle cone ear having ass" Kendell joked causing babyjoe and boomer to laugh hysterically. 

" Kendell you not funny....yo li' 38 baby looking ass" kd joked back.

"  try again, you ain't even funny. long nose, big ear'd bitch" Kendell insulted. 

" okay Kendell that's enough, you curse like sharonda" I chuckled. 

" he look like ha too" boomer added. 

DOWN SOUTH~youngboy fanfic COMPLETEDDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora