chapter 85: loved ones

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Tia Aaliyah Johnson

I sat in the chair by myself looking at my mom as she laid in the bed.

Shredded hair was everywhere around the bed , it was scary. It looked like a movie but the only thing that was different was that it was real, real life.....

Good news was my mom stayed here on earth for another day but the bad news was, she was in a coma. The doctor told us that it was common for people who are battling stage 4 cancer.

What she was receiving now was hospital care, which was for people who were gonna die soon.

It didn't seem real to mother, was gonna die. That didn't even sound right to me.

I sighed to myself before reaching over and grabbing her hand to just hold it.

" yo nails still on fleek girl" I chuckled softly as one tear rolled down my cheek.

" you so young, it ain't even yo time momma" I sighed wiping the tear that rolled.

Tamia Nicole johnson

" can you please remove the tumor that's growing ?" My dad begged.

I never seen my dad cry before, it was something that I never wanted to see.

" sir its rare that we remove stage four cancer tu-...."

" man please, I'm begging you. This is my wife and she's dying. Can you at least do something?" he cried causing me to turn the other way.

The elder man sighed before sliding his hands down his face.

" alright were gonna see what we can do" he mumbled.

Me and my dad both sighed in relief as he flipped away on his clipboard.

" its gonna cost you because the insurance doesn't cover " he told us.

" how much?" My dad asked as he reached in his back pocket for his wallet.

" 50,000"


Tia Aaliyah Johnson

I was stopped in the middle of my conversation when hella doctor's came into the room along with my dad and Mia.

" what's going on?" I asked as I stood up from my chair while the doctor's worked together to remove my mom's hospital bed from out the room.

" what the hell is going on?" I asked even louder because nobody seemed to be answering my question.

" ma'am we are removing her from the room to perform surgery" one man spoke as he pushed the hospital bed from out the room.

I looked over at my dad as he stood in the doorway with his hand over his mouth.

I walked over towards them after my mom's bed was removed from the room.

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